Activating Integrations

On completion of all the above configurations, follow the below steps to activate the Accelerator.

Activate the integration flows in the following order (you can optionally enable tracing):
  1. Oracle ERP OPERA Generic Error Handler

  2. Oracle ERP OPERA Monitor ESS Job Status

  3. Oracle ERP OPERA Address Transformation

  4. Oracle ERP OPERA Get Property List

  5. Oracle ERP OPERA Update AR Address

  6. Oracle ERP OPERA Update Account

  7. Oracle ERP OPERA Create Company Profile

  8. Oracle ERP OPERA Create AR Address

  9. Oracle ERP OPERA Create Account

  10. Oracle ERP OPERA Sync Customer Contact

  11. Oracle ERP OPERA Trigger Synchronization

  12. Oracle OPERA ERP Process Invoice Upload

  13. Oracle OPERA ERP Invoice Import Status

  14. Oracle OPERA ERP Trigger Invoice Upload 

  15. Oracle OPERA ERP Execute EssJobs 

  16. Oracle OPERA ERP Initiate Process Receivables

  17. Oracle OPERA ERP Initiate Refresh Receivables

  18. Oracle OPERA ERP Initiate Customer Balances

  19. Oracle ERP OPERA Update Credit Status

  20. Oracle OPERA ERP Initiate Invoice Attachments

  21. Oracle OPERA ERP Invoice Attachments

  22. Oracle OPERA ERP Initiate Invoice Checks

  23. Oracle OPERA ERP Invoice Checks