ORACLE-BRT-Error Notification Configuration

Update the Value column in the lookup for the corresponding Name column fields.

Table 4-32 Name Column Fields

Name Description (with examples)


Comma delimited values of email Ids to receive the error email notification from the Accelerator


Provide valid email IDs.


The FTP file server directory to store the error logs of Customer Sync.

Example: <base_directory>/ERPIntegrationlogs/CustomerSync/

Provide the full path per requirement.


This value is used by the Monitor ESS Job Status integration. This value is used in the loop count to decide how many times the loop should run to check for the ESS job execution status of BIP reports of Customer sync functionality. This takes values from 1 to 20, if it is not in the mentioned range, it is set to default value 20.

Example: 15

Provide the value per requirement.


For Gen3 only: The ID of the integration to be called for trigger customer synchronization.

Example: ORCL-BA-ERP_OPERA_TRIGG_SYNC|01.00.0000

Provide a version for the Integration ID.