7 Troubleshooting the Business Accelerator

Table 7-1 Errors and Resolutions



Oracle OPERA ERP Execute EssJobs

Status of ESS job is "Unknown" after multiple retries

Status of ESS Job unknown. Review following details and make the necessary fix if required: ESS Job Name: ProcessARTransactionalEventsForSummaryTablesEss | ESS Job Path: /oracle/apps/ess/financials/receivables/shared/

This error most likely occurs if the Fusion environment is slow and the ESS job status has not changed to either SUCCEEDED or ERROR after a long time.The error will be automatically fixed when the Fusion environment starts working normally. Alternatively, the retry counter variable ""Job_retry_count"" (max value: 20) in the lookup ""ORACLE-BRT-InvoiceSync_ERP_Job_Configuration"" can be set to a higher value.


Oracle ERP OPERA Generic Error Handler

The FTP server is busy or inaccessible

The JCA Binding Component was unable to establish an outbound JCA CCI connection due to the following issue:

Unable to establish a session with the server.

Ensure the hostname and port specified to log in to the server are correct.

Ensure the JCA connection factory and any dependent connection factories have been configured with a sufficient limit for max connections. Also ensure the physical connection to the backend EIS is available and the backend itself is accepting connections.

This issue can occur intermittently if the FTP server is busy. Check the FTP connection host, port, and login credentials and verify the FTP server is accessible.


Any integration with the internal Integration calls

The Integration is inactive or possibly deleted.

The response status of 503 Service Unavailable from any OIC based endpoints with the message: <OICURL> returned a response status of 503 Service Unavailable. The web server (running the service) is currently unable to handle the HTTP request due to a temporary overloading or maintenance of the server. The implication is this is a temporary condition which will be alleviated after some delay. Furthermore, 503 can sometimes be returned by an intermediary as well. You can trace the cURL representation of the request sent to the target service from the Oracle Integration Cloud server logs. Try invoking the target service using cURL. If the problem persists, contact the target service admin.

This issue is caused when the integration is calling another integration which is either in an inactive state or not present in the OIC instance. Ensure the integration is present in the instance and is in an active state.


Oracle ERP OPERA Create Account

Issue with the Business unit to property mapping lookup

<fault xmlns=\"http://www.oracle.com/2014/03/ics/fault\"><errorCode>PROPERTY_NOT_FOUND</errorCode><reason>No property details received from the target integration</reason><details>Make sure the ERP Business Unit: 300000105578390 to OPERA Property mapping is configured in the lookup</details></fault>

This error occurs when the lookup ORACLE-BRT-OPERA_BU_Property_Mapping does not have the OPERA property to BU for the BUID received from the ERP request. Please add the BUID and the respective properties mapped to the ORACLE-BRT-OPERA_BU_Property_Mapping lookup.


Oracle ERP OPERA Create Account

Issue with the date entered for Account in ERP

A 400 Bad Request Error indicates the target service is unable (or refuses) to process the request sent by the client (Oracle Integration Cloud) due to an issue perceived by the server to be a client problem. You can trace the cURL representation of the request sent to the target service from the Oracle Integration Cloud server logs. Try invoking the target service using cURL. It may also be that one of the intermediaries (proxy, LBR) could be returning this code.

This error usually occurs when the request parameters to OPERA do not conform to the acceptable request for OPERA. Usually the case being an account number having more than 20 characters. Fix the data in ERP to prevent the error from occurring in the next run.


Any Integration with the ERP ESS job submission APIs

Error while the ERP job is being submitted

JBO-29000: Unexpected exception caught: java.lang.NumberFormatException, msg=null

This error occurs usually when the ERP SOAP service does not accept the request either because of user authentication or if the user is locked. Ensure the Username and Password for the user is correct in all the places that the user is used and the user in not being locked because of multiple unauthorized calls to ERP.


Oracle ERP OPERA Create AR Address

Duplicate Address ID or reuse of AR address

No AddressId received during AR Address Creation. Make sure the address lines are not duplicated for the same Company Profile.

This issue occurs for a given customer when there are two accounts in the same Business Unit using the same address. Refrain from using the same address for two different accounts in the same Business Unit in ERP.


Oracle ERP OPERA Monitor ESS Job Status

ESS Job integration timeout.

Timeout has occurred after 540 seconds.

This error usually occurs when the ESS Job status is not returned and the Integration took a long time to process each call for getting the job status and timed out. This error would automatically be fixed when the Environment is working normally. Alternatively, the retry counter variable "Job_retry_count" (max value: 30) in the lookup "ORACLE-BRT-ErrorNotificationConfiguration" can be set to a lower value.


Integrations with the ERP APIs

Authentication failure for ERP calls

Received a SOAP fault while invoking endpoint target: <ERP CLOUD ENDPOINT>. This indicates a processing exception on the service endpoint side. Check the service side logs to further diagnose the problem &lt;![CDATA[ Fault Code : ns0:FailedAuthentication Fault String : FailedAuthentication : The security token cannot be authenticated.

This error usually occurs when the ERP SOAP service does not accept the request either because of user authentication or if the user is locked. Ensure the Username and Password for the user is correct in all places the user is used, and the user in not being locked because of multiple unauthorized calls to ERP.


Oracle ERP OPERA Sync Customer Contact

Data issue for creating customer contact

A 400 Bad Request Error indicates the target service is unable (or refuses) to process the request sent by the client (Oracle Integration Cloud) due to an issue that is perceived by the server to be a client problem. You can trace the cURL representation of the request sent to the target service from the Oracle Integration Cloud server logs. Try invoking the target service using cURL. It may also be that one of the intermediaries (proxy, LBR) could be returning this code.

This error usually occurs when the request parameters to OPERA do not conform to the acceptable request for OPERA. One example of this is the email id field having invalid characters. Fix the contact info in ERP for this error to be resolved and contacts to be updated in the next run.


Oracle ERP OPERA Update Account

Issue with the date entered for Account in ERP

A 400 Bad Request Error indicates the target service is unable (or refuses) to process the request sent by the client (Oracle Integration Cloud) due to an issue perceived by the server to be a client problem. You can trace the cURL representation of the request sent to the target service from the Oracle Integration Cloud server logs. Try invoking the target service using cURL. It might also be that one of the intermediaries (proxy, LBR) could be returning this code.

This error usually occurs when the request parameters to OPERA do not conform to the acceptable request for OPERA. Usually, the case being an account number having more than 20 characters. Please fix the data in ERP to prevent the error from occuring in the next run.


Oracle OPERA ERP Execute EssJobs

Status of ESS job is "Unknown" after multiple retries

Status of ESS Job is unknown. Review the following details and make the necessary fix if required: ESS Job Name: ProcessARTransactionalEventsForSummaryTablesEss | ESS Job Path: /oracle/apps/ess/financials/receivables/shared/

"This error most likely occurs if the Fusion environment is slow and the ESS job status has not changed to either SUCCEEDED or ERROR after a long time.

The error will be automatically fixed when the Fusion environment starts working normally. Alternatively the retry counter variable ""Job_retry_count"" (max value: 30) in the lookup ""ORACLE-BRT-InvoiceSync_ERP_Job_Configuration"" can be set to a higher value. "


Oracle ERP OPERA Update Credit Status

ERP report Execution failure

Execution of FUSION ERP JOB to extract customer credit status failed. Admin has been notified

This error occurs when ESS job execution fails. Check the failures in the Execute ESS jobs integration.


Oracle ERP OPERA Update Credit Status

Write to FTP failure

"  ""ErrorMessage"" : ""ICS runtime execution error"",

      ""PointOfFailure"" : ""API Invocation Error - WriteBIPReportLog_FTP"""

This error can occur if FTP is down or the FTP directory path is not correct in the Lookup. Check the FTP server and verify the directory path to resolve this kind of error.


Oracle ERP OPERA Update Credit Status

OIC Lookup Update Failure

"""ErrorMessage"" : ""ICS runtime execution error"",

 ""PointOfFailure"" : ""API Invocation Error - UpdateLastRunTimeStamp_OIC"""

This error occurs most likely when the Lookup that is being updated is not available or is locked. Verify the lookup availability and unlock if locked, to resolve this issue


Applicable to all integrations invoking OPERA API

Missing HotelId during invoke of OPERA API

![CDATA[CASDK-0041: An error occurred while invoking the REST endpoint. [[Template parameter [HotelId] is required and cannot have a null or empty value.]].The 406 Not Acceptable is an HTTP response status code indicating the client has requested a response using Accept- headers that the server is unable to fulfill. Review the target service URL and try invoking the request using cURL. ]]>"

Verify the HotelId in the template parameter of the OPERA API is not null and is valid.


Applicable to all integrations invoking a local OIC helper integration

Invoke failure - OIC Service Unavailable

503 Service Unavailable

"This error occurs when the OIC local integrations used in the Accelerator package are deactivated.

The error will be resolved when these integrations are activated."


Applicable to all integrations invoking generic error handler

Invoke failure - OIC Generic Error handler Deactivated

<ns2:title>Service Unavailable</ns2:title><ns2:errorCode>503</ns2:errorCode><ns2:errorPath>&lt;![CDATA[POST returned a response status of 503 Service Unavailable]]

Check the Generic Error Handler integration and make sure it is active.


Applicable to all integrations having FTP connection

Failure in listing invoice from source FTP directory

"The JCA Binding Component was unable to establish an outbound JCA CCI connection due to the following issue: Error in establishing a session with SSH Server.

Error in establishing a session with SSH Server.

Unable to establish a session with the server.

Please ensure hostname and port specified to log in to the server are correct."

This issue may occur intermittently if the FTP server is busy. Check the FTP connection host, port, and login credentials and verify the FTP server is accessible.


Oracle OPERA ERP Process Invoice Upload

Account number missing in invoice source file

"<details xmlns=\""http://www.oracle.com/2014/03/ics/fault\"">No Account number received in the OPERA invoice line with Invoice number: 75126</details>"",

      ""PointOfFailure"“- ""Error while retrieving Account Number from Invoice line - Account number does not exist. File name: SAND05_ARINVOICES_20210925.CSV"

The original file did not have an Account Number in the invoice line. This needs to be corrected at the source.


Oracle OPERA ERP Process Invoice Upload

Error invoking OPERA GetAccountDetails (to fetch AddressId)

<nstrgdfl:errorCode>405</nstrgdfl:errorCode><nstrgdfl:errorPath>&lt;![CDATA[GET <OHIP ENDPOINT URL> returned a response status of 405 Method Not Allowed]]&gt;</nstrgdfl:errorPath><nstrgdfl:instance>&lt;![CDATA[{\"msg\":\"Service method /ars/v0/accounts1 is not allowed to be accessed\"}

Error in API invocation URL. Check the URL and verify the query parameters are in the correct format.


Oracle OPERA ERP Process Invoice Upload

Error during write of invoice line in OIC local storage from OPERA to ERP invoice format

ORABPEL-11101\nTranslation Failure.\nTranslation to native failed. Element 'Transaction_Batch_Source_Name' not expected..\n. The data does not conform to the NXSD schema. Please correct the problem.

Verify the Mandatory fields in the original invoice are not missing.


Oracle OPERA ERP Process Invoice Upload

Error while invoking FBDI using ERP Integration adapter

"CASDK-0033: Received a SOAP fault while invoking endpoint target: <ERP Cloud Endpoint URL>. This indicates a processing exception on the service endpoint side. Please check service side logs to further diagnose the problem &lt;![CDATA[ \nFault Code : ns0:FailedAuthentication\nFault String : FailedAuthentication : The security token cannot be authenticated.\n ]]&gt;\n:Application Error</reason><operation xmlns=\""\"">importBulkData</operation></details>"",

""PointOfFailure"" : ""Processing of invoice file and uploading to ERP failed. File name: SAND05_ARINVOICES_20210925.CSV"""

The failure in invoking the ERP FBDI invoice import due to security token authentication failure can be corrected by updating the latest ERP password in the connection 'Oracle Cloud ERP Integration.'


Oracle OPERA ERP Initiate Customer Balances

Status of Fusion ERP Job execution failed

Status of Fusion ERP Job execution failed. Job details below: ESS Job Name: OPERA_Invoice_Processing_Credit_UPD_AccountBalance | ESS Job RequestId: 4544793 | ESS Job Path: /oracle/apps/ess/custom/OPERA_Invoice_Processing_Recipe/Credit_Update/

"This error occurs when the BIP report name for customer balance is not matching with the report name configured in the fusion environment.

The error can be fixed by changing the BIP report name in the fusion."


Oracle OPERA ERP Execute EssJobs

API Invocation Error - UpdateCurrentStartTime_OIC

ORACLE-BRT-InvoiceSync_OIC_SYSTEM_Config&amp;quot; is locked by another user and cannot be processed right now..412 Precondition Failed: The server does not meet one of the preconditions that the requester put on the request. If the call to the target service using a cURL request is successful, then contact oracle support with the details.

"This error occurs when the ""ORACLE-BRT-InvoiceSync_OIC_SYSTEM_Config"" lookup is opened in editable mode or locked by any user.

It can be resolved by closing the lookup and releasing the lock."