Prerequisites for File Server Configuration

The following prerequisites are required for the file server configuration:
  • A file server must be activated before updating the Oracle Integration Cloud connections.

  • You could choose to activate the File Server of Oracle Integration Cloud instance where the accelerator is deployed or you could choose to use one of your own. If you choose to use Oracle Integration Cloud File server, follow the Oracle Integration Cloud documentation to enable and configure the file server.

  • Once a File Server is activated, all the relevant folder structures mentioned across various OIC lookups in this guide should be created and user access configured before updating the Oracle Integration Cloud connections.

  • If you choose to create a different folder structure than those in the lookups, then the lookups should also be updated accordingly.

  • You must grant file server access to users who do the following:
    • OPERA users who place files in folders.

    • OIC users who fetch files from these folders.