Managing Administrator Role Memberships

  1. You can click the respective role name to manage the administrator role membership.

    This image shows the Administrator Roles Profile page.
    • On clicking the administrator role name, the respective administrator role profile page opens.

    • Administrator Roles Profile page consist of a search bar and a table listing members of that role which also supports filtering.

    • Administrator Roles Profile also consist of buttons to Assign Users and Remove Users to the role.

  2. Click Assign Users to add users to that administrator role. The assign users section opens on the same page.

    This image shows the Assign Users section.
  3. Select a user and click Update to assign that user to the role.
  4. Once on the Administrator Roles Profile page, select any user and click Remove User to remove that user from the role.

    This image shows the Remove Users button on the Administrator Roles Profile page.