Navigating to Administrator Roles

  1. Log in to OPERA Cloud Identity Management portal using a user who is an IAMADMIN role member.


    During provisioning of OPERA Cloud, the Enterprise administrator along with the Chain administrator and Property administrator are created in the customer’s OCI IAM Identity Domain, and those users automatically get assigned the IAMADMIN role in OPERA Cloud Identity Management.

    The home page is visible on successful login and the home page includes the tile for Administrator Roles.

  2. Click the Administrator Roles tile on the home page to open the OPERA Cloud Identity Management Administrator Roles page.

    This image shows the OPERA Cloud Identity Management home page.
    • The Administrator Roles page consist of a search bar and displays the Administrator Roles for your location.

    • The search bar can be used to filter administrator roles based on locations and role name.

    This image shows the Administrator Roles page.