4 Resolved Issues

This section contains a list of the issues resolved in this release.

Table 4-1 Resolved Issues

Bug ID Description


All paths in the Reservation Configuration API now work as defined in the specifications.


Improved error message when logging in to the developer portal as a hotelier if the error occurs within the Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform itself.


Clarified instructions about contact details on applications.


In the event of an error while logging in to the OHIP Developer Portal, the error message has been made clearer.


The property name now appears correctly when subscribing to consume events through the streaming API from an environment you own.


The color of the selected item in drop-down menus in the developer portal has been adjusted to ensure sufficient contrast to the background of those menus.


The contrast of the selected option in the My Profile menu at the top right of the developer portal has been adjusted to allow sufficient contrast with the background color of the drop-down.


Filtering the Developer Portal analytics by calls to production environments now works as expected.


Searching in the OHIP Developer Portal where the search returns no results now consistently shows the message “No Matches Found.”


Editing subscriptions on an application and then clicking Cancel no longer results in an error.


The client secret on an environment card now hides correctly even if the Reissue button is clicked and then the Cancel button is clicked on the Reissue dialog.


It is now possible to delete an application even if there are Streaming events awaiting approval from the environment owner.


The Developer Portal now links to and shows the correct API documentation as well as the correct operations for each API module.