How frequently should I send HEAD?

We suggest sending the HEAD request not more than once a minute, though the frequency will depend upon your use case. Refer to the Best Practices section for additional details.

Can I use this external system for polling Business Events?

Yes, if you already have an external system configured for the Asynchronous APIs, the OPERA environment owner would just need to follow steps 3 and 4 in Configuring the Polling API.

I posted a GET request and it returns an error "Not Found (HTTP Status 404)”. Does it mean I can only fetch data once?

Yes, once you have sent the final GET call to obtain the results of the async processing, the data are no longer available on the same request ID. To retrieve the data again, you must restart the request sequence at step one and go through POST, HEAD, and GET again. Refer to the Sample Workflow section for additional details.

The HEAD request gives me an "HTTP Status 200 OK". What should I do?

If the HEAD request gives an HTTP Status 200 OK response, note that the HEAD response header parameter ‘retry-after’ will indicate the waiting time (in seconds) before resending the HEAD request. However, this is only available in OPERA Cloud versions 23.2 and higher. In the absence of a ‘retry-after,’ if the HEAD request gives an HTTP Status 200 OK response, allow another 1-2 minutes before resending the HEAD request. In other words, if the HEAD response has not returned a 201 Created response with a header location, it is likely the job has not finished yet. After receiving an HTTP status 201 Created, you can proceed with the GET request.

When will my API responses (POST, HEAD, GET) be available?

There is no set length of time. Different requests require varying amounts of processing, and operational use of OPERA Cloud will affect the speed of responding to the request. Refer to the Types and Usage Recommendations for additional details on the API limits and recommendations. 

How can I fetch Past Revenue?

By utilizing the asynchronous reservation, inventory, and block APIs in the OPERA Cloud Property, you can access historical revenue data. 

When will my API response be available?

There is no set length of time. Different requests require varying amounts of processing, and operational use of OPERA Cloud will affect the speed of responding to the request.

My GET request returns an error "Too Many Requests (HTTP Status 429)." What does this mean?

Refer to the Types and Usage Recommendations for details on the API limits and then try again after waiting the recommended length of time.

Why do the APIs have an external system in the path?

OPERA Cloud identifies who is requesting the data using this external system variable and restricts the possibility of duplicate requests in a short time period. For details on configuring the external system, refer to the Polling API (pull).

I already have an external system configured. Can I use this system for polling Business Events?

Yes, if you already have an external system configured for the Asynchronous APIs, the OPERA environment owner would just need to follow steps 3 and 4 in Configuring the Polling API.

What is the difference between synchronous getReservations vs asynchronous ReservationDailySummary? When do I use each of these APIs?

Synchronize API getReservations is designed to support the hotel's front desk, housekeeping, and guest reservation journey use cases with a vast array of filters. It does not return revenue forecast data and fetch a maximum of 1000 records from OPERA Cloud, even while using pagination. This synchronous operation returns a lot more data for each individual reservation.

The asynchronous operation returns a summary of each individual reservation. However, it provides the ability to fetch bulk amounts of reservations in just 1 request.

Can I send delta changes with rate pricing update and avoid having to send full overlay in the request body?

Certainly. The Asynchronous SetDailyRatePlanSchedules enables you to modify rates exclusively for specific dates and room types. This behavior is consistent and applicable to the restriction and hurdle asynchronous APIs as well.

What is the difference between Standard Rate and Daily Rate?

Daily rates allow you to change the price schedule for each room type on a daily basis. This allows you to work with rates on a more detailed level by raising or lowering rate schedules for future dates as needed. You can manage rates according to your daily needs, regardless of whether or not a yield management system is integrated with OPERA Cloud. You can designate up to 20 rate codes as daily rates. Daily rates can coexist with other traditional date-range based rate codes. Refer to Configuring Rate Code Type in the OPERA Cloud Services User Guide for more information on rate code types.

What are the minimum requirements to update a rate? Do I need to update rate 2 to rate 5 with SetDailyRatePlanSchedulesProcess?

There is no requirement to change rate 2 to rate 5. You can view a Sample for updating the dailyRatePlanSchedule operation.

Can OPERA Cloud notify a revenue system when the business date has rolled? 

Even though you can fetch the business Date of the hotel using getBusinessDate, it would require periodic calls to know if the hotel has rolled the Business Date. Our recommendation is to utilize Business Event functionality using the ‘NIGHT AUDIT’ module and the business event called ‘ROLL BUSINESS DATE.’ This triggers an event as soon as OPERA Cloud has rolled over their business date.

Do the APIs support Foreign Currencies in Rate Plan Codes? 

Yes, OPERA Cloud property APIs fetch and update any currency code that is configured and available in the OPERA property. 

How long is the data available after getting a response?

The data is accessible for a period of 6 hours. After this timeframe, the data is automatically purged, and you will need to submit a new request to access it again.