Github and Postman Collections

Oracle Hospitality has a Github repository containing both Oracle Hospitality REST API specifications and accompanying Postman Collections.

You can access Github and locate the REST API specifications and Postman Collections at the following URL:

REST API Specifications

In the rest-api-specs folder in Github, you can view the published V1 APIs for OPERA Cloud and/or download the json specifications for the Oracle Hospitality APIs.

Postman Collections

In the postman-collections folder in Github, you can download and use the Postman Collection to help you get you started with our APIs and become more familiar with using them. The postman-collections folder contains the following content:
  • Postman collections with many different API call samples on how to perform different functional workflows (for example, digital check-in and checkout).

  • Postman Environment defining the main environment variables required to use the postman collections against our Hospitality APIs. Ensure you update this file with the relevant credentials and data for the environment to which you are connecting.

  • Document describing the different workflows supported in the postman collections.

The Postman collection is also available at the following URL:

Setting Up Your Postman Collection

To start calling the APIs, proceed to set up a postman environment collection using the below information. You might want to configure one environment collection for UAT and another one for Production as the variables will differ. 

Table 8-4 Information for Postman Environment Collection


This is the API gateway URL that can be viewed by logging into the Developer portal and viewing the environments tab.

Username & Password

This is the Integration username and password. This is relevant only for environments secured by Resource Owner authentication. See Authenticating to Oracle Hospitality Property APIs for the steps to obtain these.


The Client ID obtained from the OHIP Developer portal. See Viewing the Client Secret for details.


The application key that was previously obtained. See Viewing Application Details for the specific steps.


The Hotel ID against which you want to perform actions (for example, obtaining reservation data).

Once you have added these values into your postman environment, you can begin to call the oAuth Token. If everything is set up correctly, OHIP will respond with a HTTP 200 OK response, including the oAuth token. Now you can proceed to try out the collections as required.