Obtaining Details from the Hotel

OPERA Cloud resources are available only via the Oracle Hospitality Integration Platform if the hotel company is using OPERA Cloud Foundation. You will need the following pieces of information from the hotel whose data you are accessing:

  • Production or Non Production: Many hotels run non production OPERA Cloud environments as well as their production environment(s). Determine whether the OPERA Cloud environment you are calling is a production or non production instance.

  • Region: The region in which the hotel’s OPERA Cloud environment is running.

  • Tenant / Chain Code: The hotel’s tenant code used to target the right tenant especially in OPERA Cloud environments that host multiple tenants.

  • Hotel ID: The OPERA internal ID of a hotel in the customer’s tenant.

  • Enterprise ID: The unique identifier for the enterprise. This can be found in the environment details of the customer in the customer’s OPERA Cloud Identity Management portal. For more information, see Viewing Environment Details.