Streaming Best Practices


You must connect to the WebSocket at least once every 24 hours. If not, then you must send the optional "offset" input parameter together with the value of the last offset you received.

Ensure there is a minimum of 500 ms between sending the "complete" message to close one WebSocket connection and the next "subscribe" message to reopen a WebSocket connection.

The Streaming API is not throttled. As events are produced, they are immediately sent out. Potentially, this means many events will be pushed at the same time and create a backpressure.

To cope with this potential backpressure, it is essential the consuming architecture can scale, for example, by buffering before writing to back-end systems. If the backpressure exceeds the ability of the consuming architecture to scale, you can disconnect the WebSocket and then restart it later once more capacity is available in the consuming architecture. Any events that occurred since the WebSocket disconnect will be sent as soon as you reconnect.

While no option is currently available to clear the backlog of events, the "latest" parameter allows you to skip to the latest Business Event in the stream and continue processing from there.

For more information on anti-patterns and best practices on the streaming API, refer to the Anti-Patterns topic.