Quick Start for Hoteliers (in UAT Environment)


OPERA Cloud Foundation SKU
  • The hotel must purchase an OPERA Cloud Foundation SKU.


OHIP is not available for hotels using a legacy OPERA Cloud SKU.

Onboarded in OHIP
  • The chain containing properties that are on OPERA Cloud Foundation must be onboarded with OHIP.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
  • The onboarded chain and properties must be on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) and NOT in a legacy data center.

Making API Calls

An OPERA Cloud chain administrator must create the DEVELOPERPORTALACCESS role via Oracle Identity Management (OIM) for both UAT and PRODUCTION.

  1. Assign the DEVELOPERPORTALACCESS role to all OPERA Cloud users requiring access to the OHIP Developer Portal. This will support Single-Sign On (SSO) with OPERA Cloud. See Getting Started for more information.
    • UAT: Refer to your Welcome email for this URL.
    • PROD : Refer to your Welcome email for this URL.
  2. Create a new integration user via Self Service using the UAT and PROD URLs. Refer to your Welcome email for these URLs. Once a request is submitted, the OPERA Cloud chain administrator must approve it. See Using the Oracle Hospitality APIs for more information.  

  3. Access the Developer Portal for UAT or PROD (using the URLs from your Welcome email) and click the Environment tab.

  4. Click the environment card and to copy the client Id and secret. See Using the Oracle Hospitality APIs for more information.

  5. Register a new application in the Applications tab of the OHIP Developer Portal. When creating a new application, subscribe the application to all the APIs that appear. See Register and Manage Applications for more information.

  6. Enter the hotel ID from which you want to get data. This is not the same ID as the chain admin and should be the ID of a specific hotel.

    If you need to call early adopter (v0) APIs, send an email to hospitality-integrations_ww@oracle.com requesting to join the early adopter programme. You must reply to the email accepting the terms and conditions of the programme before access is provided.

Configuring Postman

  1. Obtain the postman collections via the following:

    • Cloning our github repo and then importing the collections / environment under the postman-collections folder.

    • Forking our public postman workspace directly.

  2. Set up a postman environment (one for UAT and one for PROD) with the previously obtained information plus the gateway URL:
    1. HostName: API gateway URLs for UAT and PROD. Refer to your Welcome email for these URLs.

    2. Username: The integration username previously obtained for UAT or PROD.

    3. Password: The integration password previously obtained for UAT or PROD.

    4. CLIENT_ID: Client ID previously obtained from the Developer Portal for UAT or PROD.

    5. CLIENT_SECRET: Client ID previously obtained from the Developer Portal for UAT or PRO.

    6. AppKey: The application key previously obtained .

    7. HotelId: Hotel ID against which you want to perform actions. For example, obtaining reservation data.

  3. Once all environments have been configured, select the Get OAuth Token collection and make a call.

    If everything is set up correctly, OHIP responds with a HTTP 200 OK response, which includes the OAuth token.

    Now you can try out other collections as required.