7 Insights

Insights is a reporting tool that allows users with the Property Manager role and above to analyze the hotel’s performance and staff engagement.

Using Insights

Insights is an interactive visualization of agent engagement and product revenue and helps managers identify agents to recognize or coach, as well as identify the performance of individual upgrade offers.

The following are Available Reports for Property Managers and above:
  • Property – CheckIn Merchandising Insights.

  • Portfolio – CheckIn Merchandising Insights.

All reports show different key performance indicators (KPIs) with the frequently used listed below:
  • Eligible Check-Ins: All reservations that are eligible for upgrade offers.

  • Engagement Rate: Number of accepts and declines / number of eligible check-ins. These are available individually and as a team.

  • Success Rate: Number of accepts / number of eligible check-ins. These are part of the goal setting.

On every visualization, the windows can be customized by using the option bar.

Starting from the left-hand side, the reports can be customized as follows:
  • Activate Drill-up

  • Activate Drill-down

  • Switch to next hierarchy

  • Show all elements on the next hierarchy level

  • Filter and Slicer, which are effective at this Visual

  • Expand

More options:
  • Export Data

  • Show as table

  • Highlight

  • Descending

  • Ascending

  • Sort by

Property – CheckIn Merchandising Insights Report

The Property report allows property managers to find information on the hotel’s CheckIn Merchandising results and staff engagement. The default tab when logging in is the Agent Performance tab. This is highlighted in red on the top left-hand side.

The property manager can view the report at Agent Performance and Revenue by Product as follows:
  • Agent Revenue (Upsell Revenue) or Agent Revenue per Eligible Checkin (Rev per Eligible Checkin).

  • Activity Date Filter.

In addition, the top row informs the property manager about the last time the data on the tab was refreshed: Last Refresh (PST), the currency the hotel is using, and the launch date of CheckIn Merchandising.

On the left-hand side are four key performance indicators (KPIs) highlighted for the selected timeframe:
  • Engagement Rate

  • Success Rate

  • Upsell Revenue

  • Upsell Count

The Agent Performance shows four windows showing the following data:
  1. Trended Property Engagement and Revenue: shown as graphs indicating the following:
    • Upsell Revenue

    • Success Rate

    • Engagement Rate

  2. Trended Property Engagement and Revenue: shown as a table indicating the following per month:

    • Engagement Rate

    • Success Rate

    • Upsell Revenue

    • Upsell Count

    • Eligible Checkin

  3. Trended Agent Engagement Rate: viewable at each agent’s Engagement Rate per month.

  4. Trended Agent Revenue / Rev per Elig Checkin: shows the Upsell Revenue per agent, per month.

The Revenue by Product report allows property managers to look at each product sold on CheckIn Merchandising and indicates the revenue generated per product.

Four windows appear and outline the following to the property manager:
  1. % of Revenue by Product. This appears as a pie chart and indicates the percentage of revenue by product.

  2. Trended Revenue by Product. This is a table and informs the property manager of the following data per month (based on the hotel’s configuration):

    • Amenity

    • Early Checkin

    • Extra Day

    • Extra Room

    • Food and Beverage

    • Late Checkout

    • Parking

    • Room Feature

    • Room Upgrade

    • Spa Service

  3. Avg Upsell Rev / Night by Product. This indicates the average Upsell Revenue per night by product in a table format and shown per month.

  4. Count by Product. This presents the count by product in a table format and is shown per month.

All data provided on the Agent Performance helps the property manager identify top sellers and agents where additional coaching is needed. In addition, the property manager is presented with information on Revenue by Products and how the team is selling each product. This knowledge can help you make pricing decisions.

Portfolio – CheckIn Merchandising Insights Report

The Portfolio report allows Property and Chain Managers to find information based on Property Level and Agent Performance. The default tab for this report is Property Level and it is highlighted in red on the right-hand side.

The Chain Manager can view the following at the Property Level and Agent Performance:

  • Revenue: (Upsell Revenue) or Revenue per Eligible Checkin (Rev per Eligible Checkin).

  • Property Name: The default is set to ALL, but only one or multiple properties can be selected from the drop-down menu and based on the Chain Managers access rights.

  • Brand: The default is set to ALL, but only one or multiple brands can be selected from the drop-down menu and based on the Chain Managers access rights.

  • Currency: The default is set to USD, but can be selected to the local property’s currency or EUR.

  • Activity Date Filter.

In addition, the top row informs the Property Manager about the last time the data on the tab was refreshed “Last Refresh (PST)” of Nor1 CheckIn Merchandising data.

The Property Level report indicates the Top three properties from this Property Manager on the left-hand side based on:

  • By Engagement Rate

  • By Upsell Revenue

  • By Rev/Eligible Checkin

Four windows enable the Property Manager to look at the following data:
  1. Property Revenue, Engagement, and Success Rate: Information is presented on a chart indicating the following:

    1. Upsell Revenue

    2. Engagement Rate

    3. Success Rate

  2. Trended Property Revenue: Information is presented in a table indicating the revenue generated per month and property.

  3. For Upsell Rev by Product and Count by Product, available products are based on the hotel's configuration, but the following are available:

  • Amenity

  • Early Checkin

  • Extra Day

  • Extra Room

  • Food and Beverage

  • Late Checkout

  • Parking

  • Room Feature

  • Room Upgrade

  • Spa Service

The Agent Performance report identifies the Top three Agents. They are presented based on:

  • By Upsell Revenue

  • By Engagement Rate

  • By Upsell Rev/Eligible CheckIn

The Agent Statistics table indicates all agents and the following statistics:

  • Agent Name

  • Property

  • Upsell Revenue

  • Engagement Rate

  • Success Rate

  • Eligible Checkin

  • Rev/Elig Checkin

  • Upgrade Count

Property Managers can find the statistics on total Upsell Revenue and the total Upsell Count. In addition, a chart pie chart presents the Upsell Count by Product.

All data provided on the Property Level helps identify top ranking properties and products. Pricing decisions can be based on those numbers. The Agent Performance report enables Property Managers to view agent statistics and compare agents from different hotels.

Portfolio – All Solutions Insights Report

The Portfolio All Solutions Insights report enables Property Managers to view all data for all solutions at a glance for eStandby, eXpress, and CheckIn Merchandising.

The screens allows you to modify the view by the following:
  • Region

  • Sub-Region

  • Currency View

  • Date

The top row indicates the last time the data on the tab was refreshed (“Last Refresh (PST)” of all data provided).

The following information is presented on the left side of the screen:
  • Total Awarded Revenue (for all solutions): Current versus Last Year.

  • eStandby Awarded Rate: Current versus Last Year.

  • CM Engagement Rate: Current versus Last Year.

A generic sales contact e-mail is displayed to help the revenue potential.

The following windows are presented on the screen:
  • Trended Revenue by Product: this column chart provides revenue by product per month and based on CheckIn Merchandising, eStandby, and eXpress.

  • Checkin Merchandising, eStandby, and eXpress: a pie chart presents the total revenue and percentage by product based on CheckIn Merchandising, eStandby, and eXpress.

  • Awarded Revenue by Product: shows additional key performance indicators (KPI) based on brand and awarded revenue by product:
    • Brand. All brands are listed in here based on the Property Manager’s access permissions. To view only one of the brand, double-click it and all properties attached to the brand appear.

    • All Product. Indicates the total Awarded Revenue per brand.

    • LY All Product. Indicates last year’s total Awarded Revenue per brand.

    • Y/Y Delta All Product. Indicates year-over-year delta of Awarded Revenue per brand.

    • Y/Y % Delta All Product. Indicates year-over-year percentage delta of Awarded Revenue per brand.

    • CM. Indicates the total CheckIn Merchandising Revenue per brand.

    • LY CM. Indicates last year’s total CheckIn Merchandising Revenue per brand.

    • Y/Y CM Delta. Indicates year-over-year delta of CheckIn Merchandising Revenue per brand.

    • Y/Y CM % Delta. Indicates year-over-year percentage delta of CheckIn Merchandising Revenue per brand.

    • eStandby. Indicates the total eStandby Awarded Revenue per brand.

    • LY eStandby. Indicates last year’s total eStandby Awarded Revenue per brand.

    • Y/Y ES Delta. Indicates year-over-year delta of eStandby Awarded Revenue per brand.

    • Y/Y ES %. Indicates year-over-year percentage delta of eStandby Awarded Revenue per brand.

    • eXpress. Indicates the total eXpress generated revenue per brand.

    • LY eXpress. Indicates last year’s total eXpress generated revenue per brand.

    • Y/Y EX Delta. Indicates year-over-year delta of eXpress generated revenue per brand.

    • Y/Y EX % Delta. Indicates year-over-year percentage delta of eXpress generated revenue per brand.


All data for “this year” and “last year” numbers depend on the date range selected on top.