10 General Security Principles

The following principles are fundamental to using any application securely.

Keep Software Up To Date

One of the principles of good security practice is to keep all software versions and patches up to date. Throughout this document, Oracle assumes that all security patches are applied to the operating system and the web browser accessing the OPERA Cloud Distribution user interface.

Follow the Principle of Least Privilege

The principle of least privilege states that users should be given the least amount of privilege to perform their jobs. The overly ambitious granting of responsibilities, roles, grants, and so on, especially early in an organization’s life cycle when people are few and work needs to be done quickly, often leaves a system wide open for abuse. User privileges should be reviewed periodically to determine relevance to current job responsibilities.

Keep Up To Date on Latest Security Information

Build your applications with secure coding practices in mind. Oracle recommends any software built to connect to OPERA Cloud Distribution be assessed to avoid the security flaws described by the OWASP Top Ten Project.

While some of the advice may not seem relevant to a server that is calling the OPERA Cloud Distribution interface, the advice also applies to any devices that connect to your server.