
The property option offers the display and configuration of general information and defaults. From the Configuration Main menu, select Property.

Property Information

In the top section, you can view the following basic property data appears in read-only mode:
  • Property Name

  • Property Code

  • Status

  • Activation Date

  • Property ID

  • Currency

  • Time Zone

  • Language

Property Controls

On Property Controls, you can set and update with defaults. The controls ensure a smooth data exchange in case of mapping discrepancies with distribution channels or your Property Management System (PMS). You can define defaults for the following:
  • Market Code

  • Source Code

  • Room Type

  • Rate Plan

  • Guarantee Code

  • Cancellation Reason

Rate Controls

On Rate Controls you can define Child Age Groups.

Enter the “from” and “to” child age for each group. If an age from is defined in one group, the age to is required and vice versa.

Select the Derive Rates from Base Rate for Extra Persons check box to activate this setting.

Alert Email Address

You can define email addresses for your Alert Notifications, for example, failover reservations.

Select the Add button to define a new email address. Select the pencil on the right hand side of each record to edit the email address. Select the Delete icon to delete an email. Do not insert more than one email address per line.

Select the Create button at the top to save your edits.