Commission Policy

This option offers the configuration of your property´s commission policy. From the Content main menu, select Policies and then select Commission Policy or select the tab from any of the other policy menu options.


Your commission appears immediately when you select the menu option. In addition, each of the other policy menu options are accessible on tabs from every policy menu option.

Managing Commission Policy

Managing your Commission Policy lets you view, define, and update if appropriate permissions are given.

Updating Commission Policy
  • Commission Availability: Select the Commission Availability. This field is required.

  • Tax Inclusive: Select whether your tax is inclusive.

  • Charge Unit: Select the charge unit of your commission.

  • Payment Company: Select the Payment company used by your property to process the commission. The list displays DHISCO Commission Processing (previously HCC), NPC, Onyx Payments (previously WPS), Perot Systems, Other Commission Processing Vendor, and None.

  • Charges: Enter the charge of the commission. The currency is the configured currency of your property.

  • Description: Enter the description of the commission.

  • Click Update to save your edits on the record.