Contact Details

This option offers the configuration of your property´s contact details.

From the Content main menu, select General and then select Contact. In this section, you can define:
  • Address Details

  • Communication Details

  • Contacts

Updating Address Details

  • Address Type: By default, this field shows Hotel and is read only.

  • Address Line 1: By default, the field is filled with the address line 1 provided by your registered property but can be overwritten. This field is required.

  • Address Line 2: By default, the field is filled with the address line 2 provided by your registered property but can be overwritten.

  • Country: By default, the field is filled with the country automatically assigned to your property during registration but can be overwritten. This field is required.

  • Postal Code: By default, the field is filled with the postal code provided by your registered property but can be overwritten.

  • City: By default, the field is filled with the city provided by your registered property but can be overwritten. This field is required.

  • State: By default, the field is filled with the state provided by your registered property but can be overwritten.

  • County: Enter the county where your property is located.

Creating and Editing Communication Details

For Phone, Email Addresses, and Contacts, select the Add button on the right hand side of each section to create a new record. Use the pencil on the right hand side of each record to edit a record.


Enter the official website of your property.


  • Type: Select the phone type. This field is required.

  • Location: Select the phone type. This field is required.

  • Number: By default, this shows the country code of your property location. Select another country code if required. Enter the phone number in the next field. This field is required.

Email Addresses

  • Type: Select the email type. This field is required.

  • Email Address: Enter the email address. This field is required


  • Primary: Select this check box if this contact is your primary contact. If selected, the contact is listed on top of the table. Only one contact can be set as primary if there is already a primary contact and if you still proceed and select another contact as the primary, the second contact would be selected as the primary contact.

  • Contact Type: Select the type of the contact. This field is required.

  • Prefix: Select the prefix of the contact.

  • First Name: Enter the first name of the contact. This field is required.

  • Last Name: Enter the last name of the contact. This field is required.

  • Phone Type: Select the phone type.

  • Country Code: By default, the country code of your property location is displayed. Select another country code if required.

  • Number: Enter the phone number of the contact.

  • Email Address: Enter the email address of the contact.

  • Click Update on top of the screen to save all changes on the record.

Deleting a Phone Number, Email Address, or Contact

  • Select the Delete icon on the right hand side of each record. A message provides you with the option to Keep or Delete the record.

  • Click Update on top of the screen to confirm your deletion.


    The Delete icon is only accessible with the appropriate permission. The primary contact cannot be deleted. If needed, a new contact must be assigned as primary before deleting the old contact.