Property Amenities

This option offers the configuration of all property amenities available at your property.

From the Content main menu, select General and then select Property Amenities.


In addition to having the appropriate permissions, you must select at least one record in order edit or delete a record. The Create option is enabled only when no records are selected.

To define Property Amenities, your Property Information must be completed. An option appears to open your property information directly from property amenities to complete it.

Managing Property Amenities

Use the following to search:
  • Search Amenity: Enter a value. The search starts as soon as you type in the value, and it shows all matching records. Remove the value to view all records.

Creating and Editing Property Amenities

Select the Add button on the toolbar or, if no record exists yet, you can also select the Add button in the middle of the screen to create a new record. Use the pencil on the right hand side of each record to edit an amenity.

When adding amenities, you can view all not-yet-added amenities provided by the OPERA Cloud Distribution Global Standards.
  • Search Amenity: Enter a value. The search starts as soon as you type in the value, and it shows all matching records.

  • Select the amenities you want to add and click Add. Edit the amenity to define the details either before or after adding it.

  • Confirmable: Select the check box if you want the amenity to be confirmable.

  • Amenity Name: Shows the selected amenity name.

  • Amount: Enter the amount. By default, the currency provided by your registered property is displayed.

  • Charge Unit: Select the charge unit.

  • Quantity: Enter the quantity.

  • Offsite: By default, this is set to off. Switch it on if the amenity is not onsite.

  • Distance from the Hotel: You can enter the distance from your property if the amenity is set to offsite. By default, the measurement from Content > General > Property Information is displayed.

  • Click Update to save your edits.

Deleting a Property Amenity

Select the Delete icon on the right hand side of each record. A message provides you with the option to Keep or Delete the record.