Pet Policies

This option offers the configuration of your property´s pet policies. From the Content menu, select Policies and then select Pet Policies or select the tab from any of the other policy menu options.

Managing Pet Policies

  • Pets allowed: Select if and what pets are allowed. If Pets Not Allowed is selected, you cannot configure any pet policies. By default, the value is set to Pets Allowed.

If policies are configured for one value and you change it, all policies are deleted when clicking Update and you can create new ones for the new selected value. A warning appears.

Creating and Editing Pet Policies

Select the Create icon in the tool bar or, if no pet policy exists yet, select the Add button in the middle of the screen to create a record. Select a record and click the Edit icon in the tool bar to edit a record.
  • Pet Policy Code: Select the Pet Policy code provided by the OPERA Cloud Distribution global standards, for example, Dog. This field is required.

  • Amount: Enter the amount. By default, the currency is set according to the currency defined in your registered property. This field is required.

  • Charge Unit: Select a Charge Unit, for example: Per Day. This field is required.

  • Max. Numbers of Pets: Enter the Maximum Number of Pets allowed for this policy.

  • Description: Enter the description of the policy.

Click Submit and then select either Submit to create the record or click Submit and Create Another to continue creating records. Click Update to save your edits on existing records.

Deleting a Pet Policy

Select the policy and then click the Delete icon in the tool bar. A message provides you with the option to Keep or Delete the record.