Property Information

This option offers the configuration of your property´s general policy information.

From the Content main menu, select General and then select Property Information. In this section, you can:
  • Update Property Details

  • Update General Information

  • View Channels

Updating Property Information

The page is divided into three sections.

Property Details

  • Organizational Property Code: This field shows the organization code automatically assigned to your property during registration. This field is read only.

  • Property Name: This field shows the property name assigned to your property during registration. This field is read only.

  • Property ID: This field shows the ID automatically assigned to your property during registration. This field is read only.

  • Primary Language: This field shows the primary language automatically assigned to your property during registration. This field is read only.

  • Time Zone: This field shows the time zone automatically assigned to your property during registration. This field is read only.

  • Currency: This field shows the currency automatically assigned to your property during registration. This field is read only.

  • Property Type: Select the property type. This field is required.

  • Tax ID: Enter the tax ID of your property.

  • Property Description: Enter a description of your property. This field allows a maximum of 2,000 characters. This field is required.

  • Alternative Name: You can enter an alternative name of your property

  • Hotel Status: Select the status of your property.

  • Hotel Status Code: Select the status code of your property.

  • Date Built: Select the date your property was built. This field is required.

  • Date Renovated: Select the date your property was renovated.

General Information

  • Market Tier: Select the market tier of the property. This field is required.

  • Star Rating: Select the star rating of your property. This field is required.

  • Languages spoken in the property: Select all language spoken in your property.

  • Vacation Rental: Select whether your property offers vacation rental.

  • Season Hotel: Select whether your property has seasonal openings. This field is required.

  • Closed From: Select the date from which the property closes. This field is enabled only when the Season Hotel selected value is Yes.

  • Closed To: Select the date until the property is closed. This field is enabled only when the Season Hotel selected value is Yes.

  • Total Number of Rooms: Enter the total number of rooms of your property. This field is required.

  • Total Number of Floors: Enter the total number of floors of your property. This field is required.

  • Longitude: This field shows the longitude automatically assigned to your property during registration. This field is read only.

  • Latitude: This field shows the latitude automatically assigned to your property during registration. This field is read only.

  • Unit of Measurement: Select the unit valid for your property. Default value appears based on the Country Location of the property.

  • Measurement Type: Select the type valid for your property. Default value appears based on the Country Location of the property.


In Channel section, you can view all provisioned channels for your property. This section is read-only.

Click Update to save your edits on the record.