
From the Channels main menu, select Distribution Templates.

The Channels menu provides the option for setting up distribution templates to be distributed across all your properties.

Distribution Template

The Distribution Templates option enables you to view and manage your configured templates to be distributed across channels for your properties.

From the Channels main menu, select Distribution Templates. By default, you can view all configured templates.


Appropriate permissions are required to access Channels. From the Role Manager menu, select Role permissions.

The permissions for Distribution Templates are listed in the Channel Management module.

Managing Distribution Templates

By default, you can view all configured distribution templates. Use the following to search:
  • Template Code: Select one or multiple template codes.

  • Description: Enter a template description. Only full values are accepted.

  • Property Rate Plan: Enter a Property Rate Plan name.

  • Template Status: Select one or multiple statuses.

Click Search to get search results. Only records matching all the selected criteria appear. Click Reset to reset the search data and get the default display.

Adding and Editing a Distribution Template

Select the Add Template button in the tool bar to create a new template. Click Edit Template in the template details screen to edit the template.
  • Template Status: By default, this field is disabled. While creating a record, the status draft is selected.

  • Template Code: Enter the template code. This field supports special characters and alpha numeric characters. You can enter up to 20 characters This field is required.

  • Description: Enter the template description. You can enter up to 80 characters.

  • Property Rate Plan: Enter the Property Rate Plan, This field supports spaces, special characters, and alpha numeric characters. You can enter up to 20 characters. This field is required.

Click Continue to continue the process and add a channel. Click Cancel to cancel the process.
  • Channel Type: From the list, select the channel type where you want to create the distribution. This field is required.

  • Channel: As the channel type is selected, you can select the channel. From the list, select the channel where you want to create the distribution. All channels for the channel type are listed here. This field is required. This field does not list external mapping or room-rate mapping enabled channels.

Click Continue to continue the process and add channel rate plan details. Click Cancel to cancel the process.
  • Active: By default, the check box is selected when creating a new record. Deselect the check box to set the rate plan to inactive.

  • Property Rate Plan: This is the Property Rate Plan entered while creating the template. This field is read only.

  • Channel Rate Plan: Enter the Channel Rate Plan to map against the Property Rate Plan. By default, it is defaulted to the Property Rate Plan but can be overwritten. You can enter up to 20 digits typed with upper case characters, special characters, or spaces. This field is required.

  • Channel Rate Plan Name: Enter the Channel Rate Plan Name.

  • Start Date: Enter the rate plan start date. By default, it is set to your system date. This field is required.

  • End Date: Enter the end date of the rate plan mapping.

  • Channel Rate Plan Order: Enter the channel rate plan order.

  • Publish Rate: Check box to be enabled for publishing rates.

  • Publish Restriction: Check box to be enabled for publishing restrictions.

Additional fields for GDS/IBE/Switch channels:
  • Channel Rate Plan Level: Enter the Channel Rate Plan Level.

  • GDS Rate Plan Description (Line1): Enter the channel GDS Rate Plan Description Line 1. This field is limited to 63 characters.

  • GDS Rate Plan Description (Line 2): Enter the channel GDS Rate Plan Description Line 2. This field is limited to 45 characters.

  • GDS Rate Plan Description (Line 3): Enter the channel GDS Rate Plan Description Line 3. This field is limited to 45 characters.

  • GDS Rate Plan Description (RPD): Enter the channel GDS Rate Plan Description RPD. This field is limited to 620 characters.

Click Submit and activate template to save the template and activate it. Click Submit and Add Another Channel to add a new channel to the distribution template while saving the previous one. Click Save as Draft to save the template keeping it as a draft.

Viewing Distribution Templates

Click the Distribution Template cards, to view the template details. As you click on them, a screen opens to display the details and the list of channels where the distribution exists. You can filter the list by Channel Code.
  • Status: Shows the distribution status of the channel.

  • Channel Code: Shows the channel code for the distribution.

  • Channel Rate Plan: Shows the channel rate plan for the distribution.

  • Channel Rate Plan Name: Shows the channel rate plan name for the distribution.

  • Start Date: Shows the start date for the distribution.

  • End Date: Shows the start date for the distribution.

  • Channel Rate Plan Order: Shows the channel rate plan order.

Deleting a Distribution Template

View the template details and select the Delete button in the right-hand corner of the template details screen. A message provides you with the option to Keep or Delete the record.

Adding and Editing a Channel in Distribution Templates

Select the Add Channel Distribution button in the tool bar or click Submit and Add Another Channel while creating a new template to add a new channel to the template. Click the Pencil icon in the view distribution template against a channel code record to edit.

By default, you can view all channels where the distribution for the template is in place.
  • Channel Type: From the list, select the channel type where you want to create the distribution. This field is required.

  • Channel: As the channel type is selected, you can select the channel. From the list, select the channel where you want to create the distribution. All channels for the channel type are listed here. This field is required. This field does not list external mapping or room-rate mapping enabled channels.

Click Continue to continue the process and add channel rate plan details. Click Cancel to cancel the process.

  • Active: By default, the check box is selected when creating a new record. Deselect the check box to set the rate plan to inactive.

  • Property Rate Plan: This is the Property Rate Plan entered while creating the template. This field is read only.

  • Channel Rate Plan: Enter the Channel Rate plan to map against the Property Rate Plan. By default, it is defaulted to the Property Rate Plan, but can be overwritten. You can enter up to 20 digits typed with upper case characters, special characters, or spaces. This field is required.

  • Channel Rate Plan Name: Enter the Channel Rate Plan name.

  • Start Date: Enter the rate plan start date. By default, it is set to your system date. This field is required.

  • End Date: Enter the end date of the rate plan mapping.

  • Channel Rate Plan Order: Enter the channel rate plan order.

  • Publish Rate: Check box to be enabled for publishing rates.

  • Publish Restriction: Check box to be enabled for publishing restrictions

Additional fields for GDS/IBE/Switch channels:

  • Channel Rate Plan Level: Enter the Channel Rate Plan Level.

  • GDS Rate Plan Description (Line 1): Enter the channel GDS Rate Plan Description Line 1. This field is limited to 63 characters.

  • GDS Rate Plan Description (Line 2): Enter the channel GDS Rate Plan Description Line 2. This field is limited to 45 characters.

  • GDS Rate Plan Description (Line 3): Enter the channel GDS Rate Plan Description Line 3. This field is limited to 45 characters.

  • GDS Rate Plan Description (RPD): Enter the channel GDS Rate Plan Description RPD. This field is limited to 620 characters.

Click Submit and activate template to save the template and activate it. Click Submit and Add Another Channel to add a new distribution template while saving the previous one. Click Save as Draft to save the template as a draft.

Deleting Channels from Distribution Template

View the template details and select the Delete icon on the right-hand side of each channel. A message provides you with the option to Keep or Delete the record.