Configuring Housekeeping Section Codes

Adding Housekeeping Section Codes

To create housekeeping section codes, do the following:

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Administration menu, select Inventory, select Accommodation Management, and then select Housekeeping Section Codes.

  2. On the Housekeeping Section Codes screen, click New. Enter the following details.

    • Code: Enter the housekeeping section code. It can only contain numbers.

    • Description: Enter an appropriate description for housekeeping section code.

    • Section Group: Enter the section group to which the section code belongs. For more information, see Configuring Housekeeping Section Groups

    • Target Credit: Enter the target credit for this section when processing the breakout by section.

    • (view only) Rooms: The number of Rooms that are associated with this Section.

    • (view only) Credits: The credit value for all the Rooms associated to that Section. (this is the sum of the base credits).

    • Sequence: Enter a number to determine the order in which housekeeping section codes are displayed when listed.

    • Inactive: Select the check box to make the section code inactive. Inactive housekeeping sections are not available for selection when assigning rooms to the day and evening sections on the Manage Rooms screen.

  3. Click Save to save and exit or click Save and Continue to save the Housekeeping Section Code and add another.

Editing Housekeeping Section Codes

To modify an existing housekeeping section Codes in your property, do the following:

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Administration menu, select Inventory, select Accommodation Management, and then select Housekeeping Section Codes.

  2. On the Housekeeping Section Codes screen, search and select the required housekeeping section code that you want to edit and then click on the vertical ellipsiss.
  3. Click Edit, edit the Housekeeping Section Codes code Description, Target Credit, and Sequence.

  4. Click Save.

Deleting Housekeeping Section Codes

  1. From the OPERA Cloud Administration menu, select Inventory, select Accommodation Management, and then select Housekeeping Section Groups.

  2. On the Housekeeping Section Codes screen, search and select the required housekeeping code.
  3. Click on the vertical ellipsiss and then click Delete.

  4. Confirm the deletion.

  5. Click Save.