Running End of Day Additional Procedures

Run Additional Procedures to help with corrections, adjustments, and postings to guest folios as necessary.
  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Manage Income Audit.
  2. On the Manage Income Audit screen, click Manage.
  3. On the Income Audit screen, from the Steps menu, select Run Additional Procedures.
  4. In the End of Day Setup panel, click Final Procedure tab, select a procedure and click the vertical ellipsiss to set it to Active or Inactive.
    The Procedures section is view only and it displays information about each procedure, such as the Iteration Number, the Start and End time, and the procedure's Status (running, completed). Errors are displayed above the status grid. The iteration only changes numbers if there was an error in the previous iteration. If a previous night's procedures have not been completed, OPERA Cloud does not allow the next End of Day Sequence to run.