Address Formats

Address formats vary by country, according to the requirements of the local postal service. Address format configuration enables you to define the layout of name and address elements for when the <ADDRESSEE_FULL ADDRESS> merge code is used in a stationery template.

An address format is associated with each country code , resulting in the <ADDRESSEE_FULL ADDRESS> merge code generating according to the format of the country value within the profile. For example:
  • Singapore does not have states; their address format would not need to include this element.

  • In Japan, addresses are reversed so that POSTCODE, STATE, and CITY appear on the first line and the guest name appears on the last line.

When the Multi Language OPERA Control is active, you can use the Alternate Name elements (XLAST_NAME, XFIRST_NAME, XMIDDLE_NAME, and XTITLE.) to set up address formats to output the Alternate name (national character set) values (for example, Chinese or Japanese characters). If the alternate name fields are empty on a profile, OPERA Cloud reverts to outputting the primary First name, Last name, Middle name and Title values. Therefore, it is not necessary to use both LAST and XLAST_NAME within the same address format configuration; if an alternate name is available, the "X-fields" values are output, else the primary name values are output.