Meal Type Forecast by Day (BI) (Rep_Meal_Type_Forecast_bi.rep with rep_Meal_Type_Forecast_BI.FMX)

Prerequisites for Event Reports

The Meal Type Forecast (BI) report is an easy to read forecast report for banquet operations. It is broken down by Catering Covers, Status, and Event Date.

Report Elements

Selection Criteria

Report Data

  • This report is a BI Publisher report. Customizing the report is not recommended. The following are the report elements:

    • Report Name = Meal Type Forecast by Day

    • File Name = rep_meal_type_forecast_bi.rtf

    • Form to run = rep_meal_type_forecast_bi.fmx

    • Data Template = rep_meal_type_forecast_bi.odt

Event Dates:

  • From. (Mandatory). Enter the calendar date to indicate the beginning of the Event period for which the report is to be filtered.

  • To. (Mandatory). Select the end date of the Event period when the report is filtered.

Property. Select the property for which the report should be printed. When you are logged in at the hub level, the property LOV is multi select, which allows you to run the report for multiple properties.

Block Origin. The Block Origin LOV lists all of the possible values from the internal field allotment_origin values from the Business Block header. When a value is selected, only events from business blocks with this origin are considered. If no value is selected, all business blocks are considered. Possible values are based on the user who created the block and the Act As and At values set on the user in Role Manager.

  • If the Act As value = Conference Sales Person, and the At value = Property level, then the block is flagged as Sales and Catering.

  • If the Act As value = Reservation Sales Person, and the At value = Central, then the block is flagged as ORS.

  • If the Act As value = External System, then At value = not required, and the block is flagged as EXT.

  • If the Act As value = Reservation Sales Person, and the At value = Property, then the block is flagged as PMS.

  • If the Act As value = Conference Sales Person, and the At value = Central level, then the block is flagged as SFA.


Definite. (Mandatory) Select one Status Code from a list of all status codes that can turn to an Actual status. This selection will be used to filter by event status.

Incl Actual. (Enabled when a Status is selected in the Definite field) Select this check box to include events in an ACTUAL status in the Definite totals.

Status. (On the Books) Select Status Codes from the list of all status codes (does not include the status selected in the Definite LOV) that will represent the other status code groupings listed in the report. This selection is used to filter by event status.

Summary Statuses. (Mandatory) Select Status Codes from the list of all status codes to represent the status codes added together for the summary grouping at the beginning of the report (this filter is not dependent on the values selected in any of the other status fields).

Meal Type 1. (Mandatory) Select one Meal Type to be represented in the 1st Meal Type Column.

Meal Type 2 - 5. Select Meal Types to be represented in the 2nd – 5th Meal Type Columns. If no value is selected in a field, then no figures will be calculated for that column in the report.

Revenue (You must select one of the options)

  • Net. When selected, Catering Revenue will be calculated as:

    • Net Catering Price is calculated based on the Transaction Codes mapped in Revenue Type Cross Reference configuration (Administration>Financial>Transaction Management>Revenue Type Mapping): Included generates are deducted; or Excluded generates are not added.

  • Gross. When selected, Catering Revenue will be calculated as:

    • Gross Catering Price is calculated based on the Transaction Codes mapped in Revenue Type Cross Reference configuration (Administration>Financial>Transaction Management>Revenue Type Mapping): Included generates are not deducted; or Excluded generates are added.

Currency. Select the currency you want used for calculating the report. All revenue figures will be reported in the selected currency. If no value is selected, the report is calculated using the Base Currency of the logged in Property.

Meal Type Revenue. (Mandatory). Select the listed Active Revenue Types for use in the Revenue calculation in the Meal Type Revenue columns.

Revenue Type 1 - 4. Select the listed Active Revenue Types for use in the calculation for the Rev Type Columns 1-4 at the end of the report. If no value is selected in a field, then no figures are calculated for that column in the report.

Owner. (Select Owners. If no value is selected, then all Owners listed in the LOV will be considered.)

  • Block Owner. Only Events from business blocks with this Overall Owner are considered.

  • Rooms. Only Events from business blocks with this Rooms Owner are considered.

  • Catering. Only Events from business blocks with this Catering Owner are considered.

Exclude from Forecast. (select 1 of the 3 options).

  • Both. All events are considered regardless of the Exclude from Forecast check box.

  • Yes. Only events marked as Exclude from Forecast are considered.

  • No. Only events not marked as Exclude from Forecast are considered.

Block Type (select 1 of the 3 options).

  • All. Select if events from all business blocks will be considered.

  • Catering. Select if only events from business blocks marked as Catering Only will be considered.

  • Rooms. Select if only events from business blocks not marked as Catering Only will be considered.

The 1st grouping is a summary of the status codes selected in the Summary Statuses filter in the report parameter screen. The Status Codes are listed in this header in descending sequence.

The 2nd grouping is the figures for the status code selected in the Definite filter in the report parameter screen. If the Incl Actual check box is selected, then the ACTUAL status is included with this total.

The 3rd and further groupings are for the figures for the status codes selected in the Status filter. If more than one status code is selected, then there will be more than one grouping. Each status code in this filter gets its own grouping / page. The status codes are listed in descending sequence order.

Year. The Year is displayed in the column header.

Date. Each date (with day of week) in the selected date range will print, regardless if there is data to report.

Meal Type 1 – 5. The current figures for the event types linked to this Meal Type.

Covers. Current number of attendees for the meal type in the column header. If the event is in an Actual status, then the Actual Attendees are reported. If the event is not in an Actual status, and Guaranteed Attendees are populated, then the Guaranteed Attendees are reported. If the event is not in an Actual status, and Guaranteed Attendees are not populated, then the Attendees are reported. Avg (Check) = (Revenue / Covers).

Revenue. Catering revenue for the event types linked to the meal type calculated using the revenue types selected in the Meal Type Revenue field in the report parameter screen. The Revenue reported is the On the Books figure.

If the application parameter Events > Use Forecast Value Only is set to Off, Revenues are calculated in the following sequence by Revenue Type by event:

If the event is in an ACTUAL status, billed revenue is reported for all Revenue Types.

If the event is not in an ACTUAL status and Guaranteed revenue is added, then the Guaranteed revenue is reported for that Revenue Type

If the event is not in an ACTUAL status, Guaranteed revenue has not been added, and Expected revenue has been added, then the Expected revenue is reported for that Revenue Type.

If the event is not in an ACTUAL status, Guaranteed revenue has not been added, and Expected revenue has not been added, then the Forecasted revenue is reported for that Revenue Type.

If the application parameter Events > Use Forecast Value Only is set to On, the Revenue calculation considers the Use Forecast Revenue Only check box in the Event Details Tab. If the event is in an ACTUAL status, billed revenue is reported for the event. If the event is not in an ACTUAL status and the Use Forecast Revenue Only check box is selected, the Forecast revenue is reported for the event. If the event is not in an ACTUAL status, the Use Forecast Revenue Only check box is not selected, and Guaranteed revenue exists, then the Guaranteed revenue is reported for this event. If the event is not in an ACTUAL status, the Use Forecast Revenue Only check box is not selected, and Guaranteed revenue does not exist, then the Expected revenue is reported for this event.

Totals by Revenue Type

Rev Type 1 – 4. Catering revenue totals for each date and qualifying Event calculated using the revenue types selected in the report parameter screen. The figures in these columns are not filtered by Meal Type. If no value is selected in one of the fields, then no calculation will be done for that column in the report.

At the bottom of the 1st grouping are additional rows that are included in the 1st grouping.

  • Budget (Meal Type columns) – These fields include the Budgeted Covers, Revenue, and Avg Check for each Meal Type / Month and are filtered by the Revenue Types and Block Type filter (Catering Only Y/N) selected in the report parameter screen. The Budget figures are taken from the OBI Budget Forecast module.

  • Budget (Revenue Type columns) These fields include the Budgeted Covers, Revenue, and Avg Check for each Revenue Type / Month and are filtered by the Revenue Types and Block Type filter (Catering Only Y/N) selected in the report parameter screen. The Budget figures are taken from the OBI Budget Forecast module.

  • Last Year. This is the calculation of The On the Books figures for this Meal Type as of the end of the Same Month last year. If the Date Range selected in the report parameter screen is 12/10/18 – 12/31/18, the figures in Last Year will be the figures for 12/1/17 – 12/31/17. This section includes Covers, Avg Check, and Revenue.

  • Variance. (Meal Type Totals – Budget).

  • Var to STLY. (Meal Type Totals – Last Year).

The Final Section is the Covers Summary by Meal Type and Day.

  • Date. Each date in the date range selected in the report parameter prints, regardless if there is data to report.

  • Meal Type 1 – 5. The current Covers for the event types linked to this Meal Type, filtered by the Summary Statuses selected in the report parameter screen.

  • Total Covers. Total Covers for the Date.