Changing Room Type to Another Room Type

The Change Room Type to Another Room Type utility enables changing a property’s specified room types on rooms, blocks, and reservations to another configured room type. You will need a valid OPERA Cloud Support Key from your system administrator for this functionality.

The utility will update room types for in-house reservations and blocks with arrival dates on the current business date or on future dates. It will also update all associated room numbers to the newly defined room types and will update the new room types with the appropriate room class. Old room types that were changed will remain available in the system until you manually delete them.

For example, assume you change room type AAA to AA using the Change Room Type to Another Room Type utility. The following situations would occur:

  • Room numbers previously associated with room type AAA will now associate with room type AA. The physical room count for room type AAA will become zero.

  • Reservations made for room type AAA will now display for room type AA on the reservation details panel (provided the reservation is in-house or the reservation arrival date is the current business date or a future date).

  • Block headers that held the room type AAA in the room type field will now display the room type AA (provided the block is in-house or the arrival date is the current business date or a future date).

  • Block grid allocations will still display the room type AAA after the procedure runs. However, the target room type AA will be visible in the block grid and display the inventory that was previously associated with room type AAA.

  • The Rate Query screen will display both room type AAA and room type AA columns, assuming the active dates for both room types are prior to the current business date. The Physical Inventory associated with the room type AAA column will shift and be accounted for in the room type AA column.