Accounts Receivables Batch Postings

Accounts Receivables Batch Charges

Accounts Receivable Batch Charges allows you to post a one-time charge to multiple, individually selected AR Accounts .

Posting Batch Charges

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Accounts Receivables, select Batch Charges.

  2. Enter the AR account search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the one or multiple AR accounts and then click Post Charge.

  4. On the Posting Details page, enter the following information:

    1. Transaction Code: Enter or select a charge code from the list.

    2. Price: Enter the amount of the charge.

    3. Supplement: Enter supplementary text regarding this posting. An entry is required in this field when posting negative amounts.

    4. Reference: Enter a reference details.

  5. Click Post.