Configuring Rate Code Rate Information

Rate code information is displayed in Look to Book sales screen when details of a rate code is accessed.

When the multi-language OPERA Control is active, rate information can be added in multiple languages for rates distributed across multiple properties / countries.

Editing Rate Code Rate Information

  1. From the Administration menu, select Financial, then Rate Management, and then Rate Codes.

  2. Enter or select the property and click Search.

  3. From search results, select the rate code and click the vertical ellipsis, and then select Edit.

  4. On the Rate Code presentation page click the Rate Information details link..

  5. Click Edit and enter the following details:
    1. URL: Enter a website address if rate information is available externally

    2. Short Information: Enter the rate information that you want to make available in Look to Book when the Display Rate Short Information OPERA Control is active.
      1. Manage Translation: Click to open the multi-language descriptions screen and configure short information for each language.

    3. Long Information: Enter the rate information that you want to make available in Look to Book when the Display Rate Long Information OPERA Control is active. (maximum of 2000 characters).
      1. Manage Translation: Click to open the multi-language descriptions screen and configure long information for each language.

      2. Click Insert Template Text to insert the Long Information template.

  6. Click Save.