Splitting Charges

You can split most charges (including negative amount charges) by a fixed amount, a percentage, or a quantity. When a charge is split, it is divided into two amounts within the same window. You can then transfer either of the resulting charges to another window (by using the drag-and-drop method or to another reservation account. Negative amounts or percentages can be entered as an Amount to Split / Percentage to Split. For example, if you split a posting of 100 by -10, the result would be postings of 110 and -10. Or if you split a posting for 40 by -10% the result would be postings of 44 and -4. If you split a posting of -10 by -5%, the result would be postings of -10.50 and 0.50. In a split posting, the two resulting values will always equal the amount you start with.


When you split a charge with tax generates, the tax is automatically recalculated for the two resulting transactions. A generate that has been split cannot be selected and transferred to another window by itself (without the main transaction) when the Auto Transfer Generate With Main OPERA Control is active.


When the Tax Type Calculation OPERA Control is set to Profile, and a split transaction with generates is moved between billing windows, the generate for the moved portion of the transaction recalculates based on the tax type of the profile linked to the target billing window.
  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk and then select In House.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the reservation from the search results and click I Want To . . . and select Billing.

  4. On the Manage Billing screen, select the Billing Window with the charges.

  5. Select the charge(s) then click the Vertical Ellipsis and select Quick Split and choose from the options

    1. Split by Amount: Select the Amount option button to split the transactions into two fixed amounts. 

      1. Amount to Split: Enter the amount by which the transaction is to be split.

      2. The transaction will be split into two transactions: One will be for the amount you specified, and the other will be for the remainder of the original amount.

    2. Split by Percentage: Select the Percentage option button to split the transaction by a percentage of the original amount.

      1. Percentage to Split: Enter the percentage by which the transaction is to be split.

      2. The transaction will be split into two transactions: One will be for the percentage of the original amount you specified, and the other will be for the remainder of the original amount.

    3. Split by Quantity: Select the Quantity option button to split the transaction by a quantity so the amount is automatically split based on the unit price multiplied by the respective new quantity values for the resulting transactions

      1. Quantity to Split: When a quantity of more than one exists for the transaction, enter the quantity by which the transaction is to be split. Transactions with more than 1 quantity can be split by a quantity between 1 and existing quantity minus 1. If a single transaction having 1 quantity is selected for split, then the Quantity option is not available. If multiple transactions are selected and any of the transactions cannot or did not split, then a message is displayed that "X Charge(s) Not Split".

    4. Click Split.