25 Configuring Interface Mapping

Interface Mapping is used to configure conversion values for the OPERA Cloud codes and the External System codes.

Mapping UDFs allows the definition of all reservations, profile and stay UDFs to be exchanged with an external system.

System Default Conversions

You can define the conversion values for the available conversion codes. A few conversion codes are activated and populated through the OXI installation wizard, as they contain the same values for all interfaces and are never changing. These conversion codes are Reservation Status, Reservation Action Types, Profile Types, and Guest Preference Types.

Standard Conversion Code Settings. These conversion code settings apply to all interfaces. (table)

Adding Interface Mapping

  1. From the Exchange menu, select Interface Mapping and then select Interface Mapping.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. From the search results, select a mapping group on the left side of the page.

    1. Select the Show Inactive check box for first time activation of the conversion table. Highlight the conversions group that are required and select the Activate button.

    2. To deactivate a conversion group, uncheck the Show Inactive  check box, then highlight a conversion code group, and select Inactivate

  4. Click New and complete the following

    1. Property. Enter or select the property.

    2. Interface. Enter or select the interface. .

    3. OPERA Code. Select an OPERA Cloud code from the list

    4. External Code. Enter the external system code/value.

    5. External-OPERA Default: Select check box to select as default in the case of multiple same entries in the external system value column. It is possible that more OPERA Cloud values than the external system values exist for a conversion code. In this case the external system values would need to be duplicated and will occur more than once in the external system value columns.Only one of the duplicate external system values can be set as External->OPERA Default Y, and this is the record that OXI uses when processing data from the external system to OPERA Cloud.All other duplicate codes are set to N. OXI automatically warns you if a record has already been set to Y as a default, and you are trying to flag another record with the same external system value the same way.

    6. OPERA-External Default: Select checkbox to select as default in the case of multiple same entries in the OPERA Cloud value column. It is possible that more external system values than OPERA Cloud values exist for a conversion code. In this case the OPERA Cloud values need to be duplicated and occur more than once in the OPERA Cloud value columns. Only one of the duplicate OPERA Cloud value can be set as OPERA > External Default Y, and this is the record that OXI uses when processing data from OPERA Cloud to the external system. All other duplicate codes are set to N. OXI automatically warns you if a record has already been set to Y as a default, and you are trying to flag another record with the same external system value the same way.

      1. For example: The external system has more market codes than OPERA Cloud, and the OPERA Cloud market codes have to be entered multiple times in the conversion code. If a reservation with such a market code is sent by OPERA Cloud , OXI has to know which conversion record to use. The OPERA-> External Default is the identifier for the correct conversion record. Table 26-1 OPERA Cloud and External System Default Values (table info)

  5. Click Save.

Editing Interface Mapping

  1. From the Exchange menu, select Interface Mapping and then select Interface Mapping.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. From your search results, select a row, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu, and select Edit.

  4. Update the configuration.

  5. Click Save.

Deleting Interface Mapping

  1. From the Exchange menu, select Interface Mapping and then select Interface Mapping.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. From your search results, select a row, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu, and select Delete.

  4. Click Delete to confirm.