Blocks and Groups Reports

Prerequisites for Blocks and Groups Reports

Banquet Event Order - 1 Column (sample_beo_1column.rep) - contains vital information about the catering portion of a business block broken down into events and resources in a 1-column format.

Banquet Event Order - 2 Column (sample_beo_2column.rep) - contains vital information about the catering portion of a business block broken down into events and resources in a 2-column format.

Banquet Event Order - 2 Column FB (Food and Beverage) (sample_beo_2collumn_fb.rep) - contains vital information about the catering portion of a business block broken down into events and resources.

Block Information (resblkinfo) - displays a detailed breakdown of a block header and room grid for a specified date range.

Block Traces (resblktraces) - displays trace text and the due date for a block.

Blocks by Cutoff Date (resblockbycutoffdate) - can be used by reservations or sales staff to determine which dates specific blocks will be cut off.

Business Block Change Log (rep_bookchglog.rep with rep_bookchglog.fmx).

Business Block Total Spend Report (rep_busblock_spend.rep) - displays the total group spend by including all revenues posted to any reservations linked to the block.

Daily Forecast (rep_daily_forecast.rep) - can print room nights, room revenue, and catering revenue on a daily basis per booking. This report incorporates the option to print catering revenues as net or gross depending on the Catering Revenue Price Type OPERA Control.

Group Departure By Room (grpdepbyroom) - displays all the reservations in house that have a group profile attached. 

Group In House by Room (grpinhousebyroom) - displays all in-house reservations with a group profile attached, sorted by room number.

Group Pickup (grppickup) - provides a breakdown for all existing and future blocks. 

Group Rooming List (grprmlist)- provides a list of all reservations associated with a specific block for the date range selected.

Daily Forecast (rep_daily_forecast.rep) - can print room nights, room revenue and catering revenue on a daily basis per booking.

Block Short Listing Report (rep_bh_short) - displays details for a list of business blocks and is useful to follow up on group booking decision dates, cutoff dates or to provide a list of business blocks due to arrive in the coming weeks or months. Report parameters has multiple filter combinations and sort options.