Guests In-House Reports

Cash Paying Guest In—House including Pmrooms (giinclpmcashbyname) - displays all guests in-house including pseudo and posting master accounts paying by cash.

Checked Out Guest Messages (gicomessage) - displays a list all checked-out guests, the departure date, and the status of the message.

Credit Card History (creditcard_history) - summarizes all credit card transactions within the selected time frame.

Credit Limit Report - All Payment Methods (gi_authlimit) - verifies authorization amounts for guests in house.

Deposit Activity (deposit_activity) - used by the accounting department to determine how much deposit revenue has been received in the hotel for a particular date.

Detailed Checkout Report (detailed_checkout) - breaks down the total charges attached to the transaction codes that have been attached to each revenue bucket and then displays a total of all charges for the guest’s stay.

Guest In-House Traces (gitraces) - identifies traces for a specific department so you can take action on a trace that is applicable to that department.

Guest Preferences (guest_preferences) - displays those reservations for the date range specified which have preferences attached to the profile. You can choose to print all profiles or those profiles with preferences of arrivals, in house, or departing.

Guests In-House By Company (gi_inhousebycomp) - displays all guests in house that have a company profile on the reservation.

Guests In-House By Group (gibygroup) - displays detail for all blocks in house grouped by block.

Guests In-House By Room Number (gibyroom) - displays various information for all guests in house and will be sorted by room number.

Guests In-House by Tax Type (taxexempt) - should be run to determine the tax status of each in-house reservation.

Guests In-House Cash Payment Method (gicashbyname) - displays all guests in house paying by cash or check, and is sorted alphabetically by last name.

Guests In-House Complimentary (gi_c_h) - displays all in house guests with a complimentary room rate or a house room rate.

Guests In-House No Video Check Out (ginovideo) - displays a list of all guests in house who are not authorized to checkout through the video checkout system.

Guests In-House PM Account By Name (gipmbyname) - displays all in pseudo rooms in alphabetical order so you can see all house accounts by name and balance.

Guests In-House PM Account By Room (gipmbyroom) - displays all in pseudo rooms in room number order so you can see all house accounts by name and balance.

Guests In-House Rate Check (giratecheck) - displays a comparison of the rate amount being charged for a reservation to the configured rate code amount and then determines the variance.

Guests In-House Special Requests (gisprequest) - displays all special requests for in-house services such as flowers, chocolate, an iron, or exercise bicycle for a guest reservation.

Meal Vouchers (vouchers) - You can print meal vouchers for today, days in advance, or for guests in-house. The vouchers are for one person and are based upon the package elements and forecasted package elements that have been defined from the rate code and/or package setup.

Messages for Guests In-House and Due Arrivals (giarrmessage) - can be run during downtimes so messages can be relayed to all guests due in or in house.

No Posting Allowed Guest (ginopost) - displays all checked in guests who have no posting privileges on their reservation.

No Video Check Out (ginovideo) - displays a list of all guests in house who are not authorized to checkout through the video checkout system.

Package Allowance Guests In-House (finpkgallow) - displays package allowances for guests in-house.

Projected Guests In-House (gifuturebyname) - displays a projected number of guests in-house for a specified date range.

Rate Variance (giratevariance) - displays consolidated rate check statistics for guests in house.

Room Moves (room_move) - shows which reservations have been moved to a different room number for a particular date or a range of dates.

Room Revenue by Tax Type (tax_type_details) - displays room revenue broken down by tax type for a specified date range.

Wake Up Calls (wake_up_calls) - provides a list of all wake up calls associated to reservations for the date range selected.

Zero Rate Rooms (gi_zeroraterooms) - displays all guests that have zero rates. Sharing guests will be zero-rate candidates in most cases. Print this report to determine which in-house guests should or should not be at zero rate status.