Statistics Reports


Comp Analysis Statistics (stat_comp_analysis) - shows a breakdown of Cash Rooms, Cash Room Revenue, Comp Rooms, Comp Room Revenue, and the Average Daily Rate (ADR). When the report is run, the report output is divided into the three sections of Day, Month to Date, and Year to Date.

Country by Revenue Statistics (stat_country_revenue) - displays a year to date comparison of room revenue and room night totals for statistical tracking of country information. Print this report for forecasting and budget projection purposes.

Country Revenue Day/Month-to-Date/Year-to-Date (country_revenue_statistics) - displays daily country statistics based on information entered in the primary profile on each reservation. The report provides daily, monthly, and yearly figures.

Country Specific Statistics (stat_countryspec) - meets the reporting requirements for properties in Norway and Sweden.

Extended Stay Summary and Detail(extended_stay_stats) — displays a breakdown of extended stay reservations.

Matrix Report (matrix_report) - allows you to cross-reference market, region, room type, rate category, rate code, origin or source statistics for a specified month.

Nationality/Country Statistics by Day (stat_countrybyday) - generates both nationality and country statistics per day. The statistics output can include room nights or persons.

Nationality/Country Statistics by Month (stat_countrybymon) - allows the properties to generate both nationality and country statistics per month.

On the Books Sales Statistics (otb_sales_statistics) - provides the ability to view reservations booked per room type for a past date and for a future date. The information includes individual and group reservations, definite and tentative block reservations, waitlisted individual and group reservations, total number of reserved rooms, out of order and service rooms, turnaways, available rooms, occupancy in percent, overbooking level, projected occupancy in percent, number of guests in house, double occupancy in percent and the individual and group revenue and average rate.

Region Statistics Year View (stat_region_yearview) - displays a breakdown per month, for the current year, a breakdown of reservation arrivals, room nights and revenue production per configured region.

Reservation Statistics (res_statistics1 and res_statistics2) - shows a statistical breakdown of reservations generated from a variety of filter options.

Sales Tiered Statistics (sales_tiered_stats) - displays a breakdown of the Room Nights, Room Revenue, and ADR by guest Length of Stay.

Special Requests Statistics (specials_statistics) - displays daily, month- to-date, and year-to-date statistics per specials code. Details include rooms sold, guests in house, room revenue, food and beverage revenue, other revenue, total revenue, average room rate, arrival rooms, arrival guests, no-show rooms, no-show guests, cancellation rooms, and cancellation guests.

Statistics - Room (statroom) - displays revenue and room usage by room for each month. Use this report to monitor room usage, keep track of rooms needing repairs, or to change the room-ordering sequence.

Statistics - Room Type (statroomtype)  - displays by room the amount of room revenue generated per Room Type, the Potential Rooms that are available for a date, and the number of rooms occupied in the room type for a specific date or a date range.

Statistics by Length of Stay (sales_tiered_stats2) - displays a breakdown of the Room Nights, Room Revenue and ADR by guest length of stay.