Managing Custom Charge Exemption

Prerequisites for Managing Custom Charge Exemption.

Custom Charges are used to post (city) taxes based on number of adults and children occupying the room .The amount of the custom charge is calculated by multiplying a per person price by the number of adults and children in the reservation. For more information, see Configuring Custom Charges

If you add a custom charge exemption then the number of persons eligible for a custom charge is reduced by one for each custom charge exemption added. It is not possible to have more custom charge exemptions than persons on a reservation.


When reservation stay dates and/or number of persons (Adults and/or Children) are updated a warning message will display "The stay dates and/or number of persons changed. Please verify the Custom Charge exemptions for the reservation."

Editing Custom Charge Exemption

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Reservations, and then select Manage Reservation.

  2. Enter search criteria, click Search

  3. Select the reservation in the search result, click I Want to... then Custom Charge Exemptions.

  4. Click Edit.

    1. Enter exemption details per exemption type

    2. Qty: Enter quantity to exempt throughout stay

    3. Choose Nights: Select to enable entry of Quantity for specific dates during stay

  5. Click Save.