Exporting Property Configuration Shells

You can export the property configuration from a production environment and import it to a non-production environment to refresh (re-provision) the property.

Exporting property configuration activity is tracked in the Changes Log.

Exporting Property Configuration

  1. From the Toolbox menu, select System Setup and then select Export Shell.

  2. Select Action:

    1. Select Export Shell for Immediate Download.

  3. Shell (File) Name: Enter a filename.

  4. Property: Enter or select a property.

  5. Select Shell Type:
    1. Property Shell (Legacy): Includes only the essential configuration for the selected property.

    2. Property Configuration: Includes a majority of configurations for the selected property. See Table 22-1 below.

  6. Click Export Shell: A progress bar displays the export progress.

Downloading Property Configuration Export

  1. From the Toolbox menu, select System Setup and then select Export Shell.

  2. Select Action:
    1. Download Exported Shell: Select to download an existing export file.

  3. Shell (File) Name: Select a shell file from the list.

  4. Click Download Shell.

    1. Select Save File when prompted and click OK.

    2. Select a destination folder and click Save.

Table 22-1 Excluded from Export

Menus Sub menus

Catering Codes


Menu Item Container



Marketing Management


Sell Messages

Resource Management


Item Templates

Profile Management


Forecast Types




Global Action Codes


Keyword Types


Location Types


Restriction Reasons

Chain and Property Management


Electronic Registration Card

Image Management




Floor Plan


Function Spaces


Item Inventory










Out of Order / Out of Service








Room Condition


Room Maintenance


Room Type


Site Plan


Track It Type

Accounts Receivables Management


Restricted Reasons

Cashiering Management


Cashier Charge Exemptions


Custom Charges


Custom Numbers


GUI Number


Shift Drop Locations

Fiscal Management


Fiscal Commands


Fiscal Folio Parameters


Fiscal Partners


Fiscal Terminals


Rate Management


Best Available Rate Schedule


Hurdle Rates


Rate Code Protection

Transaction Management


Transaction Code Protection

Business Events


Business Event Configuration


External Systems



ID Document Scanners


Printer Configuration


Property Interfaces



Page Composer Customization


Report Configuration