OPERA Controls — Inventory Management

The following tables outline the functions, parameters, and settings that can be configured in the OPERA Controls Inventory Management group.

Table 11-45 OPERA Controls — Inventory Management Functions





Ability to set restrictions on rates and room types for specific dates. Rate strategies rules can be configured to automate restrictions being applied to rates.




Enables setting restrictions at the rate category level.




Specifies the restriction types available at the property.

Valid values:
  • Arrival

  • Departure

  • Stay Through

  • Length of Stay

  • Advance Booking

  • Length of Stay Not Available




Room class functionality enables the allocation of room types to a room class hierarchy. Within OPERA Cloud Services all search panels and reports can be filtered by room class. This is useful for properties with a club floor(s) or different styles of accommodation that operationally need to exclude other rooms types for daily processing.




Enables the ability to group multiple room types together into a generic room type for the purpose of blocking generic room types in block room grids (summary room types).



Activates functionality to manage room ownership and to rotate the assignment of rooms (with exception of pseudo rooms) based on configurable rotation point rules, ensuring a balanced assignment of rooms to reservations. Note: Room Rotation can not be active when the AI Room Assignment OPERA Control function is active.


Component Rooms Rotation Points [COMPONENT_ROOMS_ROTATION_POINTS]

When active, rotation points are calculated for all rooms comprising an occupied component suite and rotation points are calculated for a component suite when a room comprising the component suite is occupied.  (Available when the Component Suites OPERA Control is active).


Owner Room Grade [UNIT_GRADE]

When active, a Grade must be associated with all inventory rooms that are marked as "Owner Room". A Grade associated with an owner room is used to determine the room display order in the Room Assignment and Room Diary screens in conjunction with the value selected in the Room Order Preference for Owner Rooms OPERA Control.


Room Owner Preference for Owner Rooms [ROOM_ORDER_PREFERENCE]

This setting works in conjunction with the Room Display Order OPERA Control to determine if owner rooms are displayed before or after non-owner rooms when performing a search for multiple room types in Room Diary and Room Assignment.
  • With the Owner Room Grade OPERA Control active:

    • If ROOMS WITH GRADE FIRST is selected, OPERA Cloud will first display rooms with a grade assigned for the selected room types. These will be followed by those rooms without grade assigned in the order set in the ROOM DISPLAY ORDER OPERA Control.

    • If ROOMS WITH GRADE LAST is selected, OPERA Cloud will first display rooms without a grade assigned in the order set in the ROOM DISPLAY ORDER OPERA Control followed then by those rooms with grade assigned.

  • With the Owner Room Grade OPERA Control inactive:

    • If ROOMS WITH POINTS FIRST is selected, OPERA Cloud will first display room types with Rotation Points Setup first. These will be followed by those rooms without Rotation Points Setup defined in the order set in the ROOM DISPLAY ORDER OPERA Control.

    • IF ROOMS WITH POINTS LAST is selected, OPERA Cloud will first display rooms without Rotation Setup/Points in the order set in the ROOM DISPLAY ORDER OPERA Control followed then by those room types with Rotation Points Setup.


Forecast Rotation Points   [FORECAST_ROTATION_POINTS]

Determines if future stays (based on check-out date) are considered in rotation points overview. 
  • When inactive, only past reservations (and Out of Order / Service days) are considered in the calculation of rotation points used to determine the order in which rooms are available for assignment on the Room Assignment screen.

  • When active, future reservations within the rotation period (or until a fixed length number of days past the period end date as defined by the Number of Days to Forecast OPERA Control) are considered in this calculation.


Number of Days to Forecast [FORECAST_X_DAYS]

Defines the number of days beyond the period end date to forecast rotation points. Changes to this setting will result in a recalculation of all rooms. 




Enables overbooking functionality to control the number of rooms that can be booked per room type beyond the physical inventory. Sell limits could also be an under-booking value to prevent the full room inventory from being sold.