Arrivals Reports

  • Arrivals and Checked In Today (arrchkinbyroom) — lists all expected arrival and reservations checked in today.

  • Arrivals with Scheduled Activities (resarr_activities) — displays reservations with scheduled activities and allows you to group the output by arrival date, activity type, or block code.

  • Arrivals: Detailed (res_detail) — provides a detailed list of all arrival reservations for the selected date range and various other filter options. When the Preregistration Check In OPERA Control is active use this report to list preregistered arrivals. Report can be sorted by Name, Room, Reservation Type, ETA and other attributes. 

  • Membership Pre-Check (arrprecheckinmem) — displays reservations that have not yet checked in, and have active membership attached to the reservation.

  • Police (police_report) — generated daily for all reservations that have a check in date equal to the business date. The report will display the sequence number, first name, last name, passport number, nationality, mother’s name, father’s name, place of birth, arrival date, and departure date.

  • Routing Details (routing_details) —shows all reservations with a room, window or comp routing instructions. This report can be run for arrival, in-house, or both block and individual reservations. A range of dates can be selected for reservations that are either arriving, checked in, checking out, or are already checked out. The Date Range can be filtered by Arrival Dates or Stay Dates.


    For comp routing, the report displays the dates of the reservation, the authorizer, dates of the comps, and any notes attached to the comp. Room routings will display the dates of the room routing, the room number, and name on the reservation. Window routing will display the window number and the person responsible for payment of the routing. (Available when the Routing Instructions OPERA Control is active).