Financial Payment and Revenue Report (findeptcodes)

The Financial Payment and Revenue (findeptcodes) report displays a sum of all transactions posted for the date specified.The transactions are grouped first by Transaction Group, then Transaction Subgroup, and then by Transaction Code with a subtotal for each Group and Subgroup.

The report page 1 image shows the following columns: Trn. Code, Description, Day Gross, Day Net, Month Gross, Month Net, Year Gross, and Year Net.

The report page 2 image shows the following columns: Trn. Code, Description, Day Gross, Day Net, Month Gross, Month Net, Year Gross, and Year Net.

The report page 3 of 3 image shows the following columns: Trn. Code, Description, Day Gross, Day Net, Month Gross, Month Net, Year Gross, and Year Net with the Grand Total beneath all columns.