Managing AR Invoice Payments

Use the Manage Account Invoices screen to post payments or apply payments to accounts receivables invoices. To post payments to an invoice or multiple invoices, select the invoice(s) and click the Make Payment button. The Make Payment button is available only when the invoice has an open balance. You can also post unallocated payments to an AR Account and apply the payment to selected invoice(s) at a later time.

Posting Payments to Invoices

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Accounts Receivables, and select Manage Accounts Receivables.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. From search results, locate and click the amount in the Balance column to open the account.


    As an alternative, you can click the Invoices link on the account.
  4. On the Manage Account Invoices screen, select one or more Invoices and click Make Payment to open the Pay Invoices page.

  5. Complete the following:

    1. Property: Select or confirm the property.

    2. Account: Select or confirm the AR Account (defaults to the current AR Account).

    3. Invoice Selection: Select the desired option

      • Selected Invoices: This option is automatically selected if you have selected one or more invoices to apply the payment to prior to selecting the Make Payment button. The payment is divided equally among the invoices you select. When you select more than one invoice for payment, the total outstanding for all selected invoices appears in the Amount field.

        • If the amount is changed to less than the total of all selected invoices, the payment is applied to the greatest outstanding balance.

        • If there is any part of the payment remaining after the greatest outstanding balance is paid, it is applied to the next largest outstanding balance, and so on.

        • If the payment is larger than the total outstanding balance on the selected invoices, the remainder is applied to the account as an unallocated payment.

      • Oldest: This options applies the payment to the outstanding invoice with the earliest date. If the amount of the payment is greater than the outstanding amount of the oldest invoice, the remainder of the payment is applied to the next oldest invoice that has an outstanding balance, and so on, until the payment is completely allocated. Any remaining payment amount is credited to the account as an unallocated payment.

      • Selective(ly): This option lets you see a list of invoices with open balance so that you can select invoices to apply payment to, along with the portion of the payment total.

    4. Method: Select a payment method such as a credit card and so on. An additional screen opens for you to complete the payment details.

    5. Amount: Enter the payment amount.

    6. Supplement: Enter a comment relevant to the payment you are entering.

    7. Reference: Enter any reference information relevant to the payment.

      To post multiple payments to the AR account, you can add an additional payment panel, click vertical ellipsis and click Add Payment to display an additional payment panel. To remove the payment panel click the vertical ellipsis and click Remove.

  6. Click Post Payments.

Posting Unallocated Payments to AR Accounts

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Accounts Receivables, and select Manage Accounts Receivables.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. From search results, locate and click the amount in the Balance column to open the account.


    As an alternative, you can click the Invoices link on the account.
  4. On the Manage Account Invoices screen, select one or more Invoices and click Make Payment to open the Pay Invoices page.

  5. Complete the following:

    1. Property: Select or confirm the property.

    2. Account: Select or confirm the AR Account (defaults to the current AR Account).

    3. Invoice Selection: Select the desired option

      • Unallocated: Selecting this option applies the payment to the AR account, but the payment is not allocated to any invoice.

    4. Method: Select a payment method such as a credit card and so on. An additional screen opens for you to complete the payment details.

    5. Amount: Enter the payment amount.

    6. Supplement: Enter a comment relevant to the payment you are entering.

    7. Reference: Enter any reference information relevant to the payment.

      To post multiple payments to the AR account, you can add an additional payment panel, click vertical ellipsis and click Add Payment to display an additional payment panel. To remove the payment panel click the vertical ellipsis and click Remove.

  6. Click Post Payments.

Applying Unallocated Payments to Selected invoice

You can apply one or more unallocated payments posted to the AR Account to an invoice.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Accounts Receivables, and select Manage Accounts Receivables.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. From search results, locate and click the amount in the Balance column to open the account.


    As an alternative, you can click the Invoices link on the account.
  4. On the Manage Account Invoices screen:

    1. Select the unallocated payment(s).

    2. Select the invoice to apply the payment(s) to.


      The summary bar totals will update accordingly.
    3. Click Apply Payment ; the payment or payments are immediately applied to the selected invoice, and the updated invoice balance appears in the Open column.


      If the payment total is greater than the outstanding balance of the invoice, an unallocated payment will remain in the AR account.

Selectively Applying an Unallocated Payment to One or More Invoices

You can apportion an allocated payment to one or more invoices or part-pay a single invoice.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Financials, select Accounts Receivables, and select Manage Accounts Receivables.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. From search results, locate and click the amount in the Balance column to open the account.


    As an alternative, you can click the Invoices link on the account.
  4. On the Manage Account Invoices screen:

    1. Select the unallocated payment.

    2. Select the invoice(s).


      The summary bar totals will update accordingly.
    3. Click Apply Payment Selectively.

    4. The selected invoices appear in a list. Enter the (partial) payment amount to apply to each invoice listed. The Total Specified indicates the total applied to the invoices listed.

    5. Click Apply Payment to post payment amounts to the respective invoice(s).


      Any remaining amount will remain as an unallocated payment in the AR account