Configuring Membership Type Card Number Details

Select either Card Number Validation or Card Number Auto Generation. Validation is recommended if card numbers are entered manually and/or downloaded from an external system. Auto Generation is recommended if members are enrolled and managed in OPERA Cloud.


Edit is disabled when an alternate configuration exists. Toggle Card Number Validation or Card Number Auto Generation options and manually remove the current setup.

Editing Card Number Validation Details

  1. From the Administration menu, select Client Relations, then Membership Management, then Membership Types.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select the membership type and click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Edit.

  4. Click the Card Number Details link.

  5. Select the Card Number Validation option, then complete the following:

  6. Click Edit and complete the following:

    1. Allow duplicate card numbers: Select check box if multiple membership cards can be issued with the same membership number.

    2. Expiration Date Required: Select check box if the membership expiration date is required for validation of the profile membership information. If no membership expiration date is provided when profile membership information is saved, then a message prompt is displayed notifying the user that an expiration date has to be entered.

    3. Level Required: Select check box if the Membership Level should be mandatory when adding this membership to a guest profile.

    4. Name on Card From Alt Name: Select check box to generate a membership card name using the alternate name on the profile. When enrolling a guest into the membership program, the Profile Membership screen's Name on Card field auto populates with the alternate name on the guest profile (Available when the Multi-language OPERA Control is active).

    5. Save Card Number History: Select check box to retain the membership number of the membership that will be discarded when a primary membership is overridden during a profile merge. This allows for the profile to still be found by searching on the discarded membership number.

    6. Card Length: Enter the number of digits (maximum of 99) used in the membership number. 

    7. Card Prefix: Enter the prefix portion of the membership card number. This is the leading part of the number, which remains the same on all membership cards of the membership type. For example, Delta numbers are prefixed by 2 followed by the unique membership number. If you are unsure of the prefix number, check with the program provider.

    8. Validation Rule: Select the validation method you want to use.

      1. Mod 7: Valid membership numbers follow the Mod 7 validation rule.

      2. Mod 10: Valid membership numbers follow the Mod 10 validation rule.

      3. User Defined: When selected, the Formula button becomes available where you select it to enter the validation algorithm for this membership type

      4. Internal: The membership number validation algorithm is supplied by the membership program provider.

      5. External: The membership number is validated in an external solution integrated with OPERA Cloud. For more information, see Validating Membership Numbers using an Integrated Solution

      6. No Validation: No validation is performed on the membership number

    9. Card Range From/To: Enter valid numeric ranges for this membership type. To remove a range, click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select Clear.

    10. Click Save.

Editing Card Number Auto Generation Details

Loyalty badge.

  1. From the Administration menu, select Client Relations, then Membership Management, then Membership Types.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select the membership type and click the vertical ellipse Actions menu and select Edit.

  4. Click the Card Number Details link.

  5. Select the Card Number Auto Generation option.

  6. Click Edit and complete the following:

    1. Allow duplicate card numbers: Select check box if multiple membership cards can be issued with the same membership number.

    2. Expiration Date Required: Select check box if the membership expiration date is required for validation of the profile membership information. If no membership expiration date is provided when profile membership information is saved, then a message prompt is displayed notifying the user that an expiration date has to be entered.

    3. Level Required: Select check box if the membership level is mandatory when adding this membership to a guest profile.

    4. Name on Card From Alt Name: Select to generate a membership card name using the alternate name on the profile. When enrolling a guest into the membership program, the Profile Membership screen's Name on Card field auto populates with the alternate name on the guest profile. (Available when the Multi-language OPERA Control is active).

    5. Save Card Number History: Select check box to retain the membership number of the membership that will be discarded when a primary membership is overridden during a profile merge. This allows for the profile to still be found by searching on the discarded membership number.

    6. Card Prefix: Enter the prefix portion of the membership card number. This is the leading part of the number which remains the same on all membership cards of the membership type. For example, Delta numbers are prefixed by 2 followed by the unique membership number. If you are unsure of the prefix number, check with the program provider. 

    7. From Sequence Number: Enter the starting sequence number for the membership card number.

    8. To Sequence Number: Enter the ending sequence number for the membership card number.

    9. Random Generation: Select check box to format the membership number.

      1. Format: Please type the desired format:

        1. U - For Upper Alpha Characters

        2. X - For Upper Alpha Numeric Characters

        3. 9 - For Numbers.

        4. Example: UUXX99 = LY3S65.

    10. Click Save.