Reversing (Cancelling) Check-In

You can reverse a checked-in (that is, in-house) reservation if the reservation was checked in today and has a zero balance (that is, no charges posted or deposit payments transferred on check-in).

After reversing the check-in, the reservation reverts to the Arrival (due in) status.

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Reversing a Check-in

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, and then select In House.
  2. Enter search criteria for the reservation and click Search.
  3. Select a reservation in the search results.
  4. Click I Want to… and then select Reverse Check in. The Reserve Check in prompt appears with the following Room Options:
    1. Retain Room: Select to keep the room assigned for the reservation.
    2. Remove Room: Select to remove the assigned room from the reservation.
    3. Update Room Status: Select a suitable room status from the list of available options.
  5. Click Reverse Check in.


    If you select to cancel the check-in of a shared reservation, a list of all the sharing reservations and their reservation statuses appears. You have the option of reversing all checked-in sharers or just reversing the check-in for the currently selected sharer.