Monitoring IATA Exception

The Channel Exception Queue is used to record exceptions for GDS bookings when there is no record locator or International Air Transport Association (IATA) number within the message.

The type of information displayed in the queue is determined by two Channel Management OPERA Controls :

  • When the IATA Exception OPERA Control is active and request is received from GDS without an IATA number, the IATA exception will display in the queue.

  • When the Record Locator Exception OPERA Control is active and request is received from GDS without a record locator, the record locator exception will display in the queue.

The following information is displayed:
  • Insert Date: The date the exception occurred.

  • Reason: The reason for the exception.

  • Status: The exception status, such as "pending".

  • GDS Property: The property.

  • Conf#: The confirmation number.

  • GDS Transaction No: The message ID from the message.

  • GDS Source: If the exception is a result of a missing IATA number, the source is GDS type A or GDS type B: If the exception is a result of missing record locator, the source is the GDS host.

  • GDS Rec Loc: The GDS record locator.

  • GDS Value: The GDS value.

  • CRS Value: The CRS value.

Viewing IATA Exception Queue

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Miscellaneous, select Monitoring then select IATA Exception.

  2. Select a Property, Channel(s), Type and enter other search criteria and click Search.