Transferring Guest Folio Postings

Use Transfer Posting to transfer entire or partial postings to different windows within a guest’s folio or to another guest staying at the property.
  1. Open Manage Reservation in the Application menu and select Search.
  2. Search and select a reservation, then select Go to Billing.
  3. On the Manage Billing screen, select Actions and then select Transfer Posting.
  4. On the Transfer Type screen, select either Entire Folio or Partial/Selected Postings.
    1. If you select Entire Folio, select either To a Room or From Room(s). Enter the guest number and name.
    2. If you select Partial/Selected Postings, select To a Folio Window and choose the window, or select either To a Room or From Room(s). If you select the room options, enter the guest room number and name.
  5. Select Next.
  6. On the Transaction Stop screen, select transactions from the Available row and move them to the Selected row.
  7. Select Next.
  8. On the Split Options screen, select one of three options: Do not split, Split by Amount, or Split by Percentage. Enter an amount or percentage if you selected either Split by Amount or Split by Percentage.
  9. Select Next.
  10. On the Transfer Confirmation screen, select Transfer to move the posting to either another window on the guest's folio or to another guest's room.