Sales Information

Prerequisites for Sales Information

Sales information can be provided on the Sales Information panel in Company, Travel Agent, Source, and Contact profiles. This information can assist Sales Managers in decision making and can be used in filters when generating sales reports.

The following types of sales information are available:
  • Priorities — Business importance of the account or contact.

  • Business Potential — Importance of the account in drawing accommodations business.

  • Competition Codes — Your business competition for this account.

  • Influence Codes — For contacts only. The influence the contact has in the decision-making process.

  • Scopes — Broad geographical areas where the account or contact generates business.

  • Scope & Cities — Cities where the account or contact generates business.

  • Sources — Origin of the account (for example, media ad, website, and so on).

  • Territories — Sales territory to which the account or contact is assigned.