Configuring Profile Lookup from External Systems

Prerequisites for Profile Lookup from External Systems

ORS Profile Lookup & Download

The OPERA Reservation System (ORS) Webservices Profile Lookup is used to perform a synchronous Profile Lookup from OPERA Cloud to the OPERA 5 ORS. The Profile download uses OPERA Xchange Interface (OXI). When you select the ORS External Database configured for Profile Lookup on the Profile Search screen, OPERA Cloud retrieves the outbound code configured on the ORS External Database. Next, OPERA Cloud retrieves the lookup and download service paths configured on the Outbound System Configuration and performs the outbound call.

  • Provision the Oracle Hospitality OPERA Exchange Interface Two-Way Cloud Service and configure the ORS interface. For more information, see: Interface Setup.

Outbound Configuration
  • The CRM_LEGACY Outbound System, External System and External Database configuration is required to connect to ORS for Profile Lookup.
    • The External System must be flagged for lookup.

    • The External System code must be ORS.

  • For more information, see: Configuring Outbound Systems, specifically the CRM for Legacy ORS section.

  1. Activate Profile Lookup in OPERA Cloud Controls.

  2. Select the Profile Types you wish to allow Lookup for using the Profile Types settings for Lookup.

  3. Set the External Lookup Behavior setting as Force, Manual, or Simultaneous.

  4. Optionally, you can select the Default External System for Lookup.


Generic Profile Lookup & Download

Generic Profile Lookup is used to perform a Profile Lookup from OPERA Cloud to any external system. Both Lookup and Download utilize REST APIs. When you select the External Database configured for Profile Lookup on the Profile Search screen, OPERA Cloud retrieves the outbound code configured on the external database. Next, OPERA Cloud retrieves the Service Path configured on the Outbound System Configuration performs the outbound call.

Outbound Configuration
  • The CRM Outbound System, External System, and External Database configuration is required to connect to the third party for Profile Lookup.
    • The External System must be flagged for lookup.

    • The External System must follow OPERA Cloud REST API specifications and standards, and any data mapping must be completed on the external system side.

  • For more information, see: Configuring Outbound Systems, specifically the section on CRM Generic.

  1. Activate the Profile Lookup OPERA Cloud control.

  2. Select the Profile Types you wish to allow Lookup for using the setting Profile Types for Lookup.

  3. Set the External Lookup Behavior setting as Force, Manual, or Simultaneous.

  4. Optionally, you can select the Default External System for Lookup.

  • Assign the Profile Lookup task to the appropriate roles.