Accounts Receivable Reports

Accounts Receivable Report by Activity Type (aractivity) - displays all accounts receivable accounts for a specified date range.

Aging by Type Only (aragetype) - displays all accounts receivable accounts with an outstanding balance for the selected account type.

Aging Summary By Type (araging) - displays the current outstanding balance of each account type as of the business date selected.

Aging Summary of All Accounts (aragingdet/aragingdetall) - displays all accounts receivable accounts that have an outstanding balance or activity on the account.

Accounts Receivable Activity - All Types (aractivity) - displays a log of all postings and payments made on an accounts receivable account for a particular date.

Accounts Receivable Adjustments (aradjustments) - displays adjustments that have been made to a posting from a previous business date (that is, posted and audited). Adjustments involve reversal of the original transaction (or group of transactions) and re-posting the correct transactions. Adjustments can be made to a single transaction or to multiple related transactions.

Accounts Receivable Aging Summary for All Types (arallagetype) - displays all account types and the corresponding accounts that fall under each account type.

Accounts Receivable Apply/Unapply Payments (ar_payments_tracking) - provides a report of applied and unapplied payments for a specified date range, accounts, and payment methods.

Accounts Receivable Collection Statistics (ar_collectionstat) - displays accounts with invoices paid in full or the balance is equal to 0.00.  The report calculates how many days it took to bring any invoice balances to 0.00 from the date the record was transferred to accounts receivable.

Accounts Receivable Credit Balance (arcreditbal) - displays all accounts that have or had a credit balance on a selected business date. A credit balance is defined as the respective account having a credit on their account, rather than owing monies to the property (a debit).

Accounts Receivable Credit Card Transfer (arcrtransfer) - displays all transactions transferred from front office to accounts receivable to completely settle a guest folio.

Accounts Receivable Credit Limit (ar_balance) - displays a summarized alphabetic listing of all accounts with their balances for the current business date.

Accounts Receivable Detailed Aging (aragingdet/aragingdetall) - displays all account invoice details per accounts receivable account. This report lists each invoice, transaction or folio that contributes to the current balance of each individual accounts receivable account. The information displays the invoice balance for each line item in the appropriate aging level.

Accounts Receivable Ledger (arledger) - displays all transactions that have been posted directly on an accounts receivable account or transferred to an accounts receivable account for a selected business date. Print this report to verify that all transactions balance back to the accounts receivable ledger portion of the trial balance.

Accounts Receivable Master List Detail (ardirectdet) - displays a list of all configured accounts receivable accounts and a more detailed breakdown of the account setup. The information includes account status, permanent account Y/N, credit limit, batch statement Y/N, as well as more basic account information such as account number and name, address, contact, and phone number.

Accounts Receivable Master List Summary (ardirect) - displays a list of all configured accounts receivable accounts with basic account information. This will include the account number, account name, address, contact information, and the telephone and fax numbers configured in the Accounts Receivable setup.

Accounts Receivable Payments / City Ledger Settlements Summary (arpayments) - displays all payments posted to an accounts receivable account for a specific date.

Accounts Receivable Trace (artraces) - displays messages that notify the accounting department staff of actions they are expected to take.

Accounts Receivable Transfer Report (artransfer) - displays all transactions transferred from front office to accounts receivable to completely settle a guest folio. Details of the folio are completely reclassified as part of the accounts receivable ledger.

Accounts Receivable Unpaid Invoices (ar_unpaid) - displays a list of all unpaid invoices when the Delay Days Report and Payment Due Days OPERA Controls are active based on Calculate Based on Payment Due Days check box.

Days Credit Sales Outstanding (days_credit_sales_outstanding) - calculates the total accounts receivables outstanding (non-credit card) for the current business date. The report then subtracts daily balances from the outstanding until it reaches 0. The number of days it takes to reach 0 is displayed at the bottom of the report and represents the total days sales outstanding.