Property and Fiscal Interface Monitoring

The Property Interfaces Monitoring dashboard displays the current status of OPERA IFC Controller service and the OPERA Fiscal Interface Service (OFIS).
The dashboard displays the following information:
  • Current status of the IFC Controller & OFIS instance (Running, Stopped)

  • Related Started/Stopped Date/Time stamps

  • The Machine IP Address

  • The IfcController / OFIS version

  • The current IFC Controller configuration (the local Machine Registry settings)


When the IFC Controller status shows STOPPED, the communication between OPERA Cloud and Property Interface Systems connected through the IFC8 application or service might be interrupted. Suggested actions:
  • Access the IFC Controller PC (Machine) and verify in the Windows Services if the OPERA IFC Controller service is running.

  • If it is RUNNING, stop the service and restart it.

  • If the Service shows Running in the Services list, verify if Status changes to RUNNING in Property Interface Dashboard, and verify if IFC8 status becomes LinkAlive (all LED = green).

  • If the Service shows Running in the Services list but Status is still STOPPED in the Property Interface Dashboard, verify the network connection allowing connection to OPERA Server, verify the IFC user credentials are accurate and valid using the OperaIfcControllerexe.exe configuration application located on the local interface computer.

  • Contact Oracle Hospitality Support for further assistance.

Viewing the Interface Dashboard

  1. From the Administration menu, select Interfaces, then select Property Interfaces Monitoring.

  2. Enter search criteria, then click Search.

Viewing Current Interface Controller Configuration 

To obtain current OPERA IFC Controller registry configuration:

  1. From the Administration menu, select Interfaces, then select Property Interfaces Monitoring.

  2.   Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Select the Interface Name, then click the vertical ellipsis Actions menu and select View Configuration.

Obtaining Details for New Interface Configuration 

To obtain the registry settings needed when configuring a new OPERA IFC Controller:

  1. From the Administration menu, select Interfaces, then select Property Interfaces Monitoring.

  2.   Enter search criteria, then click Search.

  3. Click the vertical ellipsis Action menu and select New Configuration.

  4. The required settings are displayed.