Creating Master and Sub Blocks

Creating a Master Block

Master blocks are indicated by this icon: This icon depicts a master block.

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Blocks, and then select Manage Block.

  2. Click I Want To . . .and select (Create) Master Block.

  3. Complete the details for the master block. For more information, see: Creating a Block

  4. After saving the master block, an initial sub block is auto-created.

  5. Click Save or click Save and Go to Presentation to view the Master Block. For more information, see: Managing Blocks

  6. Select the Master/Sub Block tab in Block Presentation to view the sub block.

  7. You can now allocate rooms and set up catering events.

Creating a Sub Block

Sub blocks are indicated by this icon: This icon depicts a sub block

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Bookings, select Blocks, and then select Manage Block.
  2. Enter search criteria for the master block and click Search.
  3. Select the master block in the search result, click I Want To . . . , and select (Create) Sub Block.
  4. On the sub block page, enter the following details:
    1. Property. Enter or select the property.
    2. Block Name. Enter the name of the sub-block.
    3. Start Date. Enter the sub block start (arrival) date.
    4. Night. Enter the number of nights.
    5. End Date. Enter the sub block end (departure) date.
    6. Block Code. Enter a block code. Click Get Default Block Code to generate a block code.
  5. Click Save or click Save and Go to Presentation to view the sub block.