(Batch) Room Assignment

Use Room Assignment to quickly and easily assign rooms to multiple reservations (for a specific arrival date) in a batch process. You can auto-assign rooms or you can step through a process to manually assign a suitable room to each reservation. You can also select from a number of criteria when specifying the reservations to be assigned rooms. The default search is for reservations without rooms assigned, but you can modify the search as needed.

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Auto Assigning Rooms to Reservations

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, select Front Desk Workspace, and then select Room Assignment.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.


    By default, only unassigned reservations are included in the search.

  3. Select reservations in the search results.


    Hold down the CNTRL key and click to select multiple reservations in the Table, Card or Console view. To select all reservations, select the check box in the header row in List view.
  4. Select the Room Status and Room Criteria for the room to assign:


    The Default Room Status for Room Assignment OPERA Control determines the default room statuses selected in the search panel.
    1. Inspected: Select checkbox to include rooms in Inspected status.(available when the Inspected Status OPERA Control is active)

    2. Clean: Select checkbox to include rooms in Clean status.

    3. Pickup: Select checkbox to include rooms in Pickup status. (available when the Pickup Status OPERA Control is active).

    4. Dirty: Select checkbox to include rooms in Dirty status.

    5. Out of Service: Select checkbox to include rooms in Out of Service status. (available when the Out of Service OPERA Control is active).

    6. Include Departure Rooms: Select checkbox to include rooms in a due out status.

    7. Use Associated Preferences: Select checkbox to enforce the room feature and smoking preference from the guest (primary) profile when the Reservation Room Features OPERA Control and Reservation Smoking Preference OPERA Control are inactive or the reservation when the Reservation Room Features OPERA Control and Reservation Smoking Preference OPERA Control are active.

    8. Perfect Fit: Select this checkbox to only assign rooms that are available exactly the number of nights of the reservation. (Available when the Room Rotation and Forecast Rotation Points OPERA Controls are active/on).

    9. Forecast Rotation: Select this checkbox to assign rooms in order of forecasted rotation points. (Available when the Room Rotation and Forecast Rotation Points OPERA Controls are active/on).

    10. From Floor: Select floor(s) from the list. When the floor is numeric, the entered floor and higher floors will be assigned. When the floor is alphanumeric, then only the entered floor will be assigned. Field is disabled when Use Associated Preferences is selected.

    11. Exclude Floor: Select floors to be excluded from batch room assignment.

    12. Smoking: Select rooms which are smoking or non-smoking. Field is disabled when Use Associated Preferences is selected.
    13. Room Feature: Select rooms with specific features. Field is disabled when Use Associated Preferences is selected.
    14. Exclude Room Feature: Select room features to exclude rooms with those room features attached from batch room assignment.

    15. Start from Room: Select a room from list to begin assigning the room.

  5. Click Assign or click Assign and Mark as Do Not Move to set a Do Not Move lock on the reservations. (Available when the Do Not Move OPERA Control is active). For more information, see Managing Reservation Do Not Move Room Status


    Only rooms successfully assigned are locked as Do Not Move.
  6. The Room Assignment Status page appears showing the room results. You can select from the following options:

    1. Sort By: Select a sort option for the display order of the results.

    2. Print: Click to generate a report of this information. A report appears in a new browser window for printing.

    3. Click the Confirmation link to open reservation presentation for any reservation listed. For more information, see Editing a Reservation.

Manually Assigning Rooms to Reservations

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, select Front Desk Workspace, and then select Room Assignment.

  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.


    By default, only unassigned reservations are included in the search.

  3. Select reservations in the search results. To select all reservations, select the check box in the header row.

  4. Click Manual Assign.

  5. For more information, see Available Room Search.

Once a room is assigned to the reservation, the next reservation appears. Assign a room to the reservation by repeating the steps above to enter room search criteria and assign a room.

Removing the Assigned Room from Reservations


Ensure Assigned is selected for Room Assignment in the search criteria.
  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Front Desk, select Front Desk Workspace, and then select Room Assignment.
  2. Enter search criteria and click Search.

  3. Select reservations in the search results. To select all reservations, select the check box in the header row.

  4. Click Unassign.

Overriding Room Selection (if prompted)

In the Room Search, you might be prompted to select another room if the room you assigned is unavailable.

  1. Click Select Another Room (if prompted) to return to the search results and assign an alternate room.

  2. Click Accept Room Selection to accept the warning and continue with the room assignment.