Monitoring Business Event Queue

A business event sends information about changes made in OPERA Cloud to external systems. You can view business events (triggers), signifying that an action has occurred and that an outbound message is produced and placed in queue for external systems to analyze and take appropriate action.

The following information is displayed:
  • EXT System: Name of the external system that the message was created for and needs to picked up by.

  • Enq Time: Displays the time of when the business event change occurred.

  • Resort: Property name of where the change happened.

  • Module: Module name of where the change happened.

  • Action Type: Type of action that the outbound message is pertaining to. For example, a new reservation was created, a current reservation was updated, or a profile was updated.

  • Action ID: ID number that is automatically assigned to the action when it happened.

  • Created Time: Date and time that the change happened.

  • Primary Key: Alpha-numeric key to uniquely identify the data applicable to that particular action

Viewing Business Event Queue

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Miscellaneous, select Monitoring then select Business Event Queue.

  2. Select an external system, Enqueue Date and enter other search criteria and click Search.

Refreshing Business Event Queue

  1. From the OPERA Cloud menu, select Miscellaneous, select Monitoring then select Business Event Queue.

  2. Select an external system, Enqueue Date and enter other search criteria and click Search.

  3. Click Vertical Ellipsis and select Refresh.